CARLI Office, Champaign, IL
Members attending: Elizabeth Cribbs (Northern Illinois University, co-chair), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union), Dallas Long (Illinois State University), Lauren Noel (Columbia College, co-chair), Mary Tatro (Augustana College), and Tonya Webb (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Members absent: Lynn Fields (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Deborah Morris (Roosevelt University), Kavita Mundle (University of Illinois at Chicago)
Staff attending: Jennifer Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner, Susan Singleton, Nicole Swanson
- Minutes of the July 29 meeting were approved. A date correction was noted.
- The group agreed to meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month (see dates below). The agenda will be sent out a week before the meeting. The meeting dates have been added to the CARLI calendar.
- Susan reported on the Chairs Meeting which occurred this summer that Elizabeth and Lauren attended. The name “White Papers” will be changed to Annual Projects. A committee member from each committee is encouraged to give a 15-minute report on the group’s white paper (from the previous year (2013/14)) at the CARLI Annual Meeting which will be held on October 30, 2014. For this current year, webinars are okay for annual projects (provided that a summary paper of the webinars is also provided). Susan announced that Voyager 9.1 upgrade will occur in early summer 2015. A date will be finalized and announced by September 1. Susan noted that a fourth of the money for CARLI EBL eBook Patron Driven Acquisition Pilot Project will be spent by the September Board Meeting. She is hoping that there will be enough data to make meaningful decisions for the consortium.
- Mary reported that seven additional RDA trainings have been added to the RDA Training Calendar. The calendar now goes through December 2014. Nicole asked if we should continue updating the calendar. The group decided that having the list of training opportunities in one location is important and that we should continue updating and maintaining the RDA Training Calendar. The URL to the RDA Training Calendar is
- Elizabeth announced that she contacted the co-chairs of the Public Services Committee about co-sponsoring a webinar in the spring (maybe February or March) about Communicating RDA to Non-Technical Services staff. The Public Services Committee will meet on September 11. They will put this item on their agenda to discuss and they will let Elizabeth know their decision.
- Keith read the minutes from the August 4 meeting of the TSC subgroup. Members of the subgroup divided up the document with each member working on specific sections. This document was last updated in 2003. Lynn mentioned that the “Cooperative Cataloging Guidelines for I-Share Databases” document should be reviewed. She believes that it should need only minimal editing. Keith sent out both documents on Google Docs for editing purposes. A September 19 deadline was set to have the sections completed. The subgroup will have a conference call the week of September 22. Jen will set up a Doodle poll to schedule the meeting. The committee encouraged the subgroup to include in the document a reminder to members of “I-Share Policies and Best Practices” document.
- Annual project brainstorming:
- Authority Control in a RDA Environment – This project would be helpful due to the number of changes to subject and name headings.
- Linked Data – Both theoretical and practical projects would be explored. A lot of projects are still in development. Elizabeth will send a link from the MLA Conference that had an annotated bibliography, frequently asked questions, and glossary.
- Default search catalog -- A broad overview of discovery searching at libraries would be the focus. Then specific questions would be addressed. What specific product are libraries using, WorldCat Local, World Share Discovery, Primo, Summons? What happens to your data? Does everything you own on a topic show in your results list? If not, why not? Why cataloging and indexing is important? What is the impact?
- Overview of VuFind & RDA. VuFind, OPAC, Searches, Displays, Indexes. The VuFind page already is on CARLI page which addresses RDA and display issues and facets. Elizabeth’s slides from the TS Spring Forum could be used as a starting point.
- Shelf-Ready Items. (see below under “Spring Forum Ideas” for more details.)
- The group brainstormed and came up with the following ideas for short training videos for new technical services employees: creating POs, adding line items, record relationships, bound with titles, de-duplication detection, authority validation, pick & scan, preferences, tag tables, back loading, suppressing record (no UC), practicing safe cataloging for the universal catalog, safe bibliographic replacement routines, binding. Tonya will check to see what the University of Illinois has created over the last few years. Jen will send the Acquisitions short training videos that have already been created to the group. Nicole asked if there were general tasks that most libraries train new employees to do. Lauren and Nicole will send out this list along with other ideas to the committee members asking them to rank the items in importance.
- Spring Forum ideas are as follows:
- MARCEdit Forum could consist of a keynote speaker and/or member speakers who are using MARCEdit to share their experiences. It was suggested to have a session on Gary Strawn’s software and introduce Voyager 9.1 that will be coming in early summer 2015. Using the CARLI’s “Records Maintenance” list, one session could address which best software works best depending on the task being performed (MARCEdit, Strawn, and Voyager 9.1). It was also suggested that specific training on MARCEdit could be scheduled after the forum at a different time, place, and date. The forum could just “pique the interest.”
- Shelf-Ready Items Forum would provide opportunities for all technical services staff to participate (acquisitions, cataloging, processing) to share the Good, the Bad, the Ugly. There are a variety of reasons why libraries might consider shelf-ready items for their libraries. What are the advantages and the disadvantages? How to choose a vendor? Which formats work best with shelf-ready? What is the impact—pros and cons? Which I-Share libraries are already using shelf-ready services? This topic could also be our “Annual Project.” The committee will need to decide at our next meeting which is Tuesday, September 9.
Tasks assigned
- Lauren will contact Lynn to see if she is willing to speak at the Annual Meeting on October 30. The presentation would be around 15 minutes. The committee decided that Lynn would be the best person to present our White Paper. If Lynn agrees, CARLI will pay her hotel and mileage expenses.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Next Meeting: Tuesday, September 9, 2014, 10 to 11:30 AM, Conference Call
Schedule of Technical Services Committee Meetings:
Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, November 11, 2014, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, January 13, 2015, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, February 10, 2015, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, March 10, 2015, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, May 12, 2015, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Tuesday, June 9, 2015, 10-11:30 AM, Conference Call
Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Tatro