Conference Call
Members attending:
Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library); Mary Konkel (College of DuPage); Joelen Pastva (Northwestern University); Adrienne Radzvickas (Lincoln College); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University); Cynthia Romanowski (chair, Governors State University); Chris Schmit (National-Louis University)
Members absent:
Gayle Porter (Chicago State University)
CARLI staff attending:
Jen Masciadrelli; Nicole Swanson
Committee Announcements:
- Chris will soon be out for a month or so on parental leave (Congratulations, Chris!)
- The search at ISU for a music librarian failed, and the search for a Cataloging/Acquisitions unit head is on hold.
- The search at GSU for a science librarian has been completed; Cynthia will be posting a job for a staff cataloger.
CARLI reports:
- Jen is focused on getting new I-Share libraries up and running.
- Registration for the CARLI Annual meeting is closing soon.
- October minutes were approved with a minor edit
- The committee approved slides covering last year’s annual project, which will be presented at the CARLI annual meeting by Mary and Joelen
- We will not put on a forum this year
- Annual project webinars:
- All webinars should incorporate both VuFind 0.6 and VuFind 3
- Webinars can vary in length, but should be no more than 30 minutes
- Meeting adjourned at 11:19
- Annual Project:
- We have not received any additional responses to the survey sent to the Public Services and SFX committees
- Members have selected at least one webinar to work on
- A test server of VuFind 3 is available with data from June (see “Where is VuFind3” for information on logging in to your test server on the VuFind 3 FAQ page.
- All webinars should incorporate both VuFind 0.6 and VuFind 3
- The “first” webinar can be a high-level overview of the differences between the 2 versions of VuFind, with subsequent webinars showing how the data displays differently and can be used differently in the 2 versions
- Both versions of VuFind are live, so any changes made to the database will display by the next day in both versions
- Everyone should continue thinking about the areas they’ve signed up for and continue/begin adding content to individual sections
- Once ideas are developed, we should begin writing scripts for the webinars
Tasks assigned:
- Everyone: keep looking at your annual project areas and brainstorming topics; start figuring out what the first webinar may be for next time
- Everyone: review the VuFind 3 FAQ.
Meeting dates and deadlines:
Next Meeting (Conference Call): December 6, 2017 at 10:00-11:30 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Nicole Ream-Sotomayor