Conference call
Members attending:
Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville); Mary Konkel (co-chair; College of DuPage); Nicole Ream-Sotomayor (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Cynthia Romanowski (Governors State University); Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union); Joelen Pastva (co-chair; Northwestern University); Sandy Roe (Illinois State University); Keith Eiten (Wheaton College); Jessica Grzegorski (Newberry Library)
CARLI staff attending:
Jen Masciadrelli; Nicole Swanson
Committee member announcements: No announcements
CARLI reports:
- Nicole reported that Gordon Fellows scheduled bad tags indicator reports to run over Christmas break for all member libraries and report results are in their ftp accounts. If you don’t have anything in your ftp account with bad indicator list or bad indicator count in the report name then there was nothing wrong with your data. The notifications of the report were sent to I-Share liaisons as well.
- Jen mentioned if interested in presenting at the ILA Conference in October, in Tinley Park, IL, they have a Call for Proposals out and the deadline is March 24.
- Subcommittee on Updating the CatER Documents Report (Mary)
- The subcommittee reported that they are finished with the draft and has presented it to the TS Committee for review of content. The deadline to review is February 15, 2017 so that the document can be finalized on the February 22, 2017 TS Committee meeting. The subcommittee tried not to change the original document too much because the recommendations are still valid. The focus was on updating bad links and information wherever appropriate. Furthermore, the document was not about cataloging overall, but about the display of electronic resources in the OPAC. Comments on the CatER documents are already happening.
- Spring forum – topic: Collections data analysis and maintenance
- Call for proposals was sent out December 21, 2016 via CARLI and again January 4, 2017 on the CARLI listservs.
- Next Steps:
- Recruit speakers: Joelen suggested that we should still keep in mind anyone who would be good as a presenter and to reach out to him/her. Forward information to your institutional colleagues as well.
- Save the date: This will be sent out by CARLI in early to mid-February. Nicole Swanson mentioned that registration should begin on or before March 13 and would need to close by April 12 in order to have the count needed for the caterers.
- Doodle poll was sent out to schedule the next joint task force meeting.
- Annual project:
- Progress on section breakouts (Box):
- Members have started creating a workspace in Box with content and comments.
- Discussion ensued regarding the true purpose of the webpage that we are trying to convey to potential users; whether we need step-by-step instructions or simply direct them to the correct pages or both.
- Recommendation to have a disclaimer that we assume that they have the latest CARLI reports database file and is not to be a master of database maintenance. Location of disclaimer to be determined, whether in intro or in the box at the top of the entire section that currently has “Why do maintenance?”
- Review any new comments added to documents: Joelen stated that some members are asking for or have comments so please make sure to review each other’s steps. We may find that we can combine steps.
- Review Nicole Swanson’s webpage mockup and other examples for document layout/design (see agenda p.3; email dated 12/21/2016) As far as the design is concerned, we would have to give CARLI a heads up if we want to do anything outside of the box and we need to also see how big our document will be as well. Ann suggested simplest format. Joelen suggested looking at other CARLI pages to get ideas and also suggested to have a feedback component for possible revisions for a future document. Jen and Nicole Swanson will look into the possibility of the feedback portion and who would receive the notification of the feedback submission.
- Next Steps: Continue adding content to individual sections, but also review everyone else’s area to see how it relates to your own.
• Minutes of the November 26, 2016, meeting were approved.
• Agreed that Spring forum proposal due date would be extended if needed.
• The meeting was adjourned at 2:25 pm.
Tasks assigned:
• All members: Review the CatER document in Google Docs and make any edits or comments regarding content by February 15, 2017; be prepared to finalize at the February 22, 2017 meeting.
• All members: Consider reaching out to specific people who may be able to present on a given topic.
• All members: Continue to work with “partners” on the annual project to create a draft outline of selected step by January 24 for review and reporting out at January 25 meeting; comments for each step should made in shared Box folder.
• CARLI team members: Look into the details of adding a “feedback” component on our annual project webpage.
Meeting dates and deadlines:
• Next meeting: Wednesday, January 25, 2017, 9:00 pm–10:30 pm, via conference call
• Schedule of Technical Services Committee meetings (all via conference call):
o Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 9:00-10:30 am
o Wednesday, March 22, 2017, 9:00-10:30 am
o Wednesday, April 26, 2017, 9:00-10:30 am
o Wednesday, May 24, 2017, 9:00-10:30 am
o Wednesday, June 28, 2017, 9:00-10:30 am
• Deadline: Wednesday, February 15, 2017, to review and comment on the CatER document located on the Google Docs drive.
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia A. Romanowski