Conference call
Members attending: Keith Eiten (Wheaton College, co-chair), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union, co-chair) Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Mingyan Li (Oakton Community College), Joelen Pastva (University of Illinois Chicago), Sandy Roe (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), Mary Tatro (Augustana College)
CARLI Staff attending: Nicole Swanson, Jen Masciadrelli
- Joelen Pastva was selected as secretary.
- Minutes of the April 4, 2016 meeting were approved.
- The meeting was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.
Tasks Assigned:
- Keith will re-order the sections of the Annual Project.
- Joelen will write the wrap up/helpful resources section of the Annual Project.
- Jen will send out a Doodle poll to schedule members of the editorial committee (Eiten, Heinrichs, Li, Roe) to meet to review the Annual Project.
- Committee members should finish work on the Annual Project by May 16th to give the editorial committee time to review.
- Committee member announcements:
- The College of DuPage is interviewing for the library dean position. The current dean is retiring at the end of June.
- CARLI Report:
- Review of volunteer applicants for the three openings on the TSC will begin next week.
- The search is still underway for CARLI’s next executive director.
- Subcommittee report: Updating the I-Share document on cataloging e-resources
- The committee will be meeting again on May 16th.
- Revisions will be completed soon, at which point the document will need to be reviewed by the entire TSC, then the CARLI board. This process is expected to continue into the 2016/2017 term.
- Tech Services Spring Forum:
- Mary and Sandy shared the questions that were asked during the plenary sessions. One suggestion was to create a clearinghouse for MarcEdit tasks and/or regular expressions on the CARLI website similar to what’s currently available for sharing Access queries.
- There were 51 attendees at the forum.
- Nicole posted all presentation slides and emailed forum participants with the link (
- Thank yous have been sent to presenters and so far feedback from attendees has been positive.
- Annual Project: Using MarcEdit for Database Maintenance: A Select Primer
- Current status and new structure:
- Introduction (Keith) - comments resolved
- Identifying/gathering MARC records (Ann, Sandy, Keith) - need to add a brief mention of vendor records, Z39.50
- Two MarcEdit projects
- changing “ca.” to “approximately” in 1XX and 7XX (Keith) - in comments stage
- replacing the URL in vendor records (Melissa) - in comments stage
- Projects Suited for MarcEdit (Sandy) - comments resolved
- Wrap up (Joelen) - in progress
- Final edits and changes should be complete by May 16th.
- Editorial committee (Eiten, Heinrichs, Li, Roe) will work on final edits and “polish” the week of
- Jen and Nicole can finalize the document formatting when all the content is ready.
- Annual Report
- Keith and Ann submitted a draft to the committee to review which summarized the TSC’s accomplishments for the year.
- Nicole recommended adding the committee’s recommendations following NLM’s MeSH changes to the list of accomplishments
- Future projects to include should be those that TSC members expressed an interest in working on, plus the project involving training videos.
- Things to keep an eye out for (but not necessarily for the annual report) – VuFind 2.5, reporting for ebooks and related database maintenance tasks.
Next Meeting:
Monday, June 6, 2016, 2–3:30 p.m., Conference Call
Respectfully submitted, Joelen Pastva, May 10, 2016