Conference call
Members attending: Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College, co-chair), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Mingyan Li (Oakton Community College), Joelen Pastva (University of Illinois Chicago), Sandy Roe (Illinois State University), Mary Tatro (Augustana College)
Members absent: Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union, co-chair)
CARLI Staff attending: Ted Schwitzner, Nicole Swanson, Jen Masciadrelli
- Mary Konkel was selected as secretary
- Minutes of the March 7, 2016 were approved
- The meeting was adjourned at 2:53 pm
Task Assigned:
- Sandy and Mary Konkel will be note-takers for forum sessions (Schwitzner, Martin/Thomas, Adams) focusing on Q&A and comments from attendees; Keith and Ann will be the note-takers for the breakout sessions (Pastva, Porter)
- CARLI will send Spring Forum evaluation via Survey Monkey to all registrants shortly after the program
- Nicole will contact Spring Forum speakers to see if they have any handouts to print and share with attendees, which she will need by April 14.
- Committee members should forward to Keith and Ann, any ideas for future projects, “our speculation”, which will go in our Annual Report. We should review T.S. Committee’s summer in-person meeting and early Fall meetings for ideas that were generated during our brainstorming sessions.
- Committee member announcements.
- Sandy is in the middle of a big withdrawal project at ISU and has found the CARLI-created Excel macros to be very helpful. Used in conjunction with Voyager’s Pick and Scan, they transform the Pick and Scan report from a flat.txt file into a database that can then be further sorted, queried, and manipulated. Contact CARLI Support to request. CARLI will look into getting this more widely promoted and put in a shared file.
- Contact colleagues to volunteer for a CARLI Committee, especially our tech services colleagues. The call was announced via email and in the CARLI newsletter. Forms submitted by April 29, 2016 will be considered for initial FY 2017 appointments. The list of all volunteers will be retained until March 1, 2017 and will be used to fill other committee vacancies as they occur.
- CARLI Report
- To date, there are 47 registrants for our Technical Services Spring Forum April 21. Jen just sent out an email reminding folks that registration closes April 11th.
- The Search for the CARLI Executive Director closed March 31st. The Search Committee is currently reviewing applications.
- Subcommittee report: Updating the I-Share document on cataloging e-resources
- The committee got through the edits of the glossary and will be focusing on the executive summary, recommended reading at the end of Section 7, and Section 6
- Committee will review GoogleDocs with edits and comments prior to meeting April 7th
- Tech Services Spring Forum:
- Title: Cataloging and Database Maintenance: MarcEdit and More
- Agenda is finalized
- Gayle Porter volunteered to give a breakout on MarcEdit Tips and Tricks. Mingyan shared Gayle's notes on topics she may present. Mingyan will share with Gayle that breakouts will be 30 minutes.
- Annual Project: Using MarcEdit for Database Maintenance: A Select Primer
- Current status:
- Introduction (Keith) - in comments stage
- Projects Suited for MarcEdit (Sandy) - in comments stage
- Standard Steps in the Process (Ann) - in comments state, may be shortened or cut/pulled into the examples
- Two MarcEdit Projects with step-by-step screenshots
- RDA compliance example, changing "ca." to "approximately" in 1XX and 7XX headings (Keith) - to come
- Editing Server Proxy URLs in vendor records - Melissa - in comments stage
- Wrap up - tabled until the next meeting
- Sandy asked for clarification on the difference between the copy field and swap field tools. Joelen offered that the copy field tool may not be able to handle regular expressions and the swap field tool is more sophisticated and can handle them.
- Melissa sent out her project demo (4 above) titled: Replacing the Proxy Server URL in a batch of BIB Records using MarcEdit via GoogleDocs. Please comment further there.
- Unresolved issues still under discussion were tabled until the next meeting:
- Whether to add a list of “projects that can be handled the same way” at the end of each demonstration
- How to make the AP useful for both I-Share and non-I-Share members
- Suggestion: Have a faint gray highlight on the I-Share-only material
- For non-I-Share members: Include descriptions of other ways to extract records? (Z39.50 and others)
- What will the Wrap up section consist of? Who would like to write it?
- Technical Services Committee’s Annual Report
- Writers: Keith and Ann as Co-Chairs
- Due date: May 31st
- Draft should be ready by May 2 for Committee review.
- Features to include: committee and subcommittee activities, speculation on projects for next year, and any follow-up on future projects projected in last year’s report.
Next Meeting:
Monday, May 2, 2016, 2–3:30 p.m., Conference Call