Conference Call
Members attending: Melissa Burel (Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville), Keith Eiten (Wheaton College, co-chair), Ann Heinrichs (Catholic Theological Union, co-chair), Mary Konkel (College of DuPage), Mingyan Li (Oakton Community College), Joelen Pastva (University of Illinois Chicago), Mary Tatro (Augustana College)
Members absent: Sandy Roe (Illinois State University)
Staff attending: Jen Masciadrelli, Ted Schwitzner, Nicole Swanson
- Minutes of the December 7, 2015 meeting were approved.
- The meeting was adjourned at 12:28 pm.
- Committee member announcements:
- Joelen Pastva spoke about her presentation entitled “Simplified cataloging for non-catalogers through FAST” which she presented at ALA Midwinter (January 2016) in Boston.
- Mingyan Li reported on ALA sessions she attended including the PCC trainers’ meeting.
- CARLI Report:
- Paige Weston retired the end last month. This announcement was in the CARLI December Newsletter.
- Progress is on schedule for the new libraries to be fully functional with their own stand-alone catalogs and their libraries’ holdings added to the I-Share universal catalog by July 2016.
- It was announced that at the end of this month OCLC is discontinuing the delivery of MARC records via EDX and Product Services Web. Going forward, OCLC will deliver MARC files through the Collection Management service. Keith volunteered to prepare a response from the committee to OCLC’s planned discontinuation of the EDX service.
- VuFind 2.5 is still in progress.
- The Calendar of Upcoming RDA Trainings has been updated. Please let Nicole know if there are any additional RDA trainings not on the list.
- Subcommittee report: Publishing the 2014-2015 Annual Project
- The publication has been completed and has been sent for submission for publication in the January-February issue of Cataloging & Classification Quarterly.
- Subcommittee report: Updating the I-Share document on cataloging e-resources
- Subcommittee will be meeting January 27 to work on adding addendums to recommendations and to begin work on terms and glossary.
- Annual Project: MarcEdit for Database Maintenance: A Select Primer
- Draft of the document was discussed. The committee goal is for the document’s focus and content to be practical, helpful, user-friendly, and accessible. The projects to be featured in the MarcEdit Annual Project were tentatively narrowed down to (1) RDA-related record enhancements and/or (2) vender record improvements.
- The committee is agreeable to the structure of document.
- Before the next committee meeting (Monday, February 1st), members are encouraged to look at the CARLI’s MarcEdit Resource page and at Terry Reese’s MarcEdit page to know what MarcEdit information is currently available to avoid duplication.
- Technical Services Spring Forum
- Topic: Same as Annual Project: MarcEdit for Database Maintenance
- Schedule and topics to be covered at the forum still need to be discussed and finalized by March meeting.
- Possible presenters were discussed, including Kristin Martin and a colleague of Keith’s. Ted, Joelen, and Keith are willing to present
- Location, space, and date are confirmed—Thursday, April 21, 2016 at Heartland Community College in Normal, Illinois. CARLI is waiting for a signed confirmation.
- Registration will be announced 2 months ahead of the forum (around February 21).
Tasks assigned:
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
Next Meeting: Monday, February 1, 2016, 2-3:30 pm, Conference Call