MEMBERS PRESENT: Xiaotian Chen, Andrea Imre (chair), Stacey Knight-Davis (minute taker), Andy Meyer, Jim Millhorn, Jeffrey Matlak
MEMBERS ABSENT: Joanna Kolendo, Steve Oberg
STAFF PRESENT: Denise Green, Mary Burkee
Updates (Denise and Mary): Denise had no SFX updates. The system is stable. Mary announced that the selection system would be open soon.
Discussion Items
Webinars in progress. Andrea’s webinar on weekly KB updates is finished. File conversion is in process at CARLI. Denise will follow up with Paige on the conversion.
Andy and Steve are working on a webinar for menu customization and display logic. A script is in progress, but nothing is recorded yet.
Stacey asked about response to the email to SFX administrators that had expressed interest in menu customization. Andrea sent out 15 emails and received 2 responses. One was a thank you for the webinars. Andrea was able to help one administrator with questions on display logic and pointed the person to the right documentation. The responses also included a request that an announcement of new webinars be made on the SFX listserv.
Future Open conference call (May 20, 2015). Committee members will have a couple troubleshooting examples handy in case there are no questions on the call.
In a side discussion, the suggestion was made to put a context sensitive FAQ in the SFX admin interface. Denise will follow up with Paige on this.
OA/FREE targets – Denise receive several thanks you messages for sending out the OA information. The question of when to update the list was raised. Andrea suggested doing an update when new targets are added. She noted several new Wiley targets had appeared. An update every 3 months was suggested.
SFX maintenance and management of products purchased via CARLI (Nature, Springer, etc.) – Xiaotian noted that Nature is still problematic. Springer seems to be working well. Wiley loses subscriptions every year. Andrea mentioned that a new CARLI Springerlink target is now available in the SFX KB. Denise, Paige, and Mary had no advance knowledge of this new CARLI target. It was speculated that OCLC had requested this target.
Mary, Cindy and Paige will look at the Springer journal title list over the summer.
CARLI no longer has access to the Springer admin interface. At Andrea’s suggestion, Jeff checked his admin interface. There are 395 titles on the CARLI list for Springer. Jeff reports he has about 1,500 titles, so this is not right. Denise confirmed that there are 1,548 Springer titles in the new CARLI Springer target service Get_Full_Text. Use the CARLI Springerlink target with caution.
Other items
The deliverable is due at the end of May. Andrea will send out a draft before the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 10:44