Conference Call
MEMBERS PRESENT: Xiaotian Chen, Andrea Imre (chair), Stacey Knight-Davis, Andy Meyer, Jim Millhorn, Jeffrey Matlak, Steve Oberg (minute taker)
Denise Green, Paige Weston, Mary Burkee
- Discussion Items
- SFX button design customization. Denise: Five libraries have customized out of original 16. Denise and Paige will analyze data on the usage (to see if these libraries’ see increased usage in relation to an updated button). A proposal by CARLI for a conference presentation on this topic was accepted for the ELUNA conference in May. Jeff asked about what sort of customization did these libraries do. Paige said that they provided CARLI with a new button image. These can be viewed by going to the page, "Comparison of SFX Instances on the CARLI Server." Andrea asked whether anyone took advantage of Stacey’s offer to help with any customization? Stacey said that noone contacted her. However, Denise notes that some libraries made use of Stacey's video and other documentation.
- Pathfinders. There was no real update except that more links have been added as recorded lessons become available. Paige suggests sending out an announcement about availability to the SFX-IG discussion list. We could do a tour of existing lessons in upcoming webinar next week (18 February).
- Training videos. Andrea continues to work on the What to do with SFX weekly updates? topic. She would like to have review by CARLI people. Stacey note that she recently posted draft slides for the How to access SFXadmin? and asked what tool to use for video. The response from Paige is that whatever tool you use should be fine; think of whatever can be uploaded to YouTube as the test for what will work.
- Member survey planning team. Andrea reminded everyone of the open conference call next week. Everyone on the call today plans to attend. Andrea suggested that some of us be prepared to walk through troubleshooting scenarios in case there is silence from participants. Jeff, Steve, and Denise volunteered. If we need to use these prepared examples, Denise will start first. As an aside to this point, there was group discussion about related titles display and how problematic it can be. Jeff and others notes that they have turned off that functionality due to user confusion. Steve suggested that careful customization of display might alleviate confusion and he felt that keeping this information in the display was actually helpful. At others’ request, Steve will share local customization that attempt to make this information more straightforward for users at a future meeting.
- Peer-to-peer mentoring program. Andrea suggests sending out an email reminder around Spring break to those libraries that were previously identified during the SFX administrator survey as needing help specific SFX customizations.
- I-Share Next. Steve reminded the group of the importance of understanding OpenURL linking functionality as part of the current I-Share Next webinars, setup to help evaluate a new, shared ILS system for CARLI.
The next meeting is scheduled for March 11.