SFX System Committee, December 10, 2014

Conference Call


MEMBERS PRESENT: Xiaotian Chen, Andrea Imre (chair), Joanna Kolendo, Andy Meyer (minute taker), Jim Millhorn, Jeffrey Matlak, Stacey Knight-Davis.


Denise Green, Paige Weston, Mary Burkee


1.    Minutes of November meeting will be amended and accepted via email – some typos will be changed.

2.    General Updates

a.    Paige reported that Gordon is working on applying a KnowledgeBase update to the test server because the next update contains a software patch. This probably won’t have any negative consequences but CARLI tests updates on the test server and wanted to make us aware of this update.
b.    The UStat function of SFX will be down this coming weekend for an upgrade – the CARLI office will send out an email to the SFX email distribution list letting people know about this change.

3.    Discussion Items

a.    Training webinars planning team

i.    SFX button design customization. Earlier emails about SFX button design help haven’t generated a lot of response – planning on sending out another email over break. Denise has drafted this email and will send it out over the winter break.

ii.    Pathfinders (see below – originally sent by Paige via email on October 31st).

1.    The goal is to take existing content and organize it to make it useful to different audiences. Paige asked if she had correctly determined and defined the different audiences. After some conversation, it was decided to combine the second (I’m new to SFX administration, but not new to SFX) and third categories (I’m new to SFX administration, but not new to link resolvers or eresource management.) into a new category more generally geared toward new SFX administrators. The committee expressed hope that this would be accessible to the “completely clueless.”
2.    There was also a brief discussion and resolution that links would be added from the existing SFX glossary to the newly created videos as appropriate and helpful.
3.    There was additional discussion about the proposed groupings of lessons in the fourth group – lessons for those interested in moving “beyond the basics.” Paige had divided this section into three subsections but wondered if this grouping was helpful and if the language of “beyond the basics” was helpful. The consensus was that the groupings are helpful and to leave that unchanged. The committee struggled with the language of “beyond the basics” because some viewed the functions/services covered in these tutorials as essential while acknowledging that many schools haven’t yet activated these features. No alternative language was suggested and  - because the content will be presented in other places – the fear that this nomenclature would trivialize these tasks was assuaged.

iii.    Troubleshooting Tree – The committee was excited about the usefulness of this guide; Paige will move forward with recreating this tree online and linking relevant materials.

iv.    Other webinars (see Denise’s e-mail from 11/18)

1.    Some webinars are still in draft stage and the subcommittee would love feedback before publishing. Denise will email out again – if no revisions are suggested we can post them in January.
2.    We discussed how we will announce and roll out the initiative. Once there is a critical mass of videos, we will announce them via the CARLI website, CARLI newsletter, and SFX interest group. Paige and Denise are already directing people to them when appropriate.

b.    Member survey planning team. No news to report - a meeting will be scheduled to look at the results of the survey with a focus on measuring the results of our work.

i.    Open conference calls

1.    We agreed that the open conference call will happen on Wednesday, February 18th, 2015. If there is a need, a second open conference call could be scheduled for late March or early April.
2.    This open conference call will be open to any topic but we are planning on advertising the troubleshooting tree (and related content) at the same time; questions and ideas about that piece of content could form the basis of that conference call. We think the focus will be on procedural steps rather than a conceptual understanding.

ii.    Tutorial Videos. Work is on-going. The subgroup has titles and ideas and would welcome additional help from committee members.

iii.    Peer-to-peer mentoring program. Andrea will start a google doc to sketch out existing social networks and begin to prioritize a list of other institutions based on low SFX usage data.

c.    SFX  FREE/Open Access targets. Nothing to report at this time.

4.    Next Meeting: January 14th