Members attending: Stephanie Baker, Katrina Bromann, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Suzanne Wilson, Lisa Wallis.
Absent: Andrea Imre
Present from CARLI: Denise Green
Denise Green will take today’s minutes.
January meeting minutes were approved without corrections.
a. Denise will be on Vacation Feb. 11-22, 2019.
b. Report on Chicago SFX meet up: Thursday Jan. 17 with librarians from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Lake Forest College & Aurora University.
c. Nexis Uni target mess reviewed and a fix was shown for one title.
d. For Other events: see
A. Annual project: Getting Ready for I-Share Next.
1. After discussing feedback from other libraries about the checklists, all agreed to try implementing them in their libraries’ SFX instance. Please report back at April 3 committee meeting about using the checklists for what to keep active that’s also in the shared instance either CARLI subsidized or free/Open Access targets.
2. Talked over the Google document that divides up review of the free and Open Access periodical targets in the CARLI shared instance. All will examine their assigned targets and we’ll discuss at next meeting March 6, 2019. Demonstration of SFX Collection comparison tool. Denise will be available to assist and consult about this review.
3. SFX Usage Statistics: Denise and Laurie reviewed what had been learned about the cause of the mistakenly large number of clickthroughs. CARLI staff successfully loaded 2011 -2016 data into Knox’s SFX test instance for running reports over longer time frames. Denise and Laurie will write up their recommendations for the committee about Usage Statistics to export and retain from SFX before the transition to Alma/Primo VE.
4. Briefly looked over the Google doc with recommended reading/viewing ExLibris Alma/Primo documentation and training videos. We need more explanation of them and a suggested sequence to do the lessons.
B. Next meeting date: March 6, 10:00AM,
Tabled Discussion of in person meeting date to focus on monthly meetings.
Adjourn at 10:52 AM