SFX System Committee Minutes: 12/05/2018


Present: Stephanie Baker, Katrina Bromann, Andrea Imre, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Suzanne Wilson
Present from CARLI: Denise Green
Absent: Steve Brantley, Geoff Pettys

Tasks Assigned & Decisions:

1. Lisa Wallis will take today’s minutes, as Geoff Pettys needs to step down from the committee due to new job responsibilities.

2. November meeting minutes were approved without corrections.


CARLI Update

a. Change Management Forum sponsored by the CARLI Technical Services Committee and Collection Management Committee will be at UIC April 2.
b. First meeting of this committee in 2019 will be Wednesday, January 9 at 10 am.
c. Spring conference call will be Monday, January 14 at 11 am. Andrea suggested opening the topic from Springer autoload to general autoload. Springer is not working well at this point, so the topic is likely of interest.
d. Denise will come to Chicago to meet with SFX Admins at IIT on Thursday, January 17.
e. The contract between CARLI and ExLibris for Alma and Primo is still in process; no new announcements. Primo VE will be the version CARLI implements.

Discussion items:

Annual project: Getting Ready for I-Share Next.

1. A web lesson on how to export a list of currently active SFX targets/collections.
  a. This one is pretty much ready to go.
  b. It may not all be necessary if the local information now matches global information, but the other information like notes will transfer as well.

2. Reviewing what overlaps in local SFX instances with the Shared instance. AND
3. Reviewing the free and Open Access targets in shared instance.
  a. The shared instance will becoming the Network Zone for consortial-level resources.
  b. Erika suggested linking to the single page where all instance icons are displayed.
  c. Stephanie suggested adding some context -- why it would be useful.
  d. We don’t know enough yet whether each library will have its own institute and whether the Default Institute will be included.
  e. Laurie suggested linking to the OA document at the end of the commercial checklist (as an additional task) and vice versa.
  f. Stephanie asked whether we could get an export of active titles in EBSCO Ebooks target in the shared instance. Denise will take care of that and send it out.

4. Usage Statistics
  a. Denise added a brief definition to the spreadsheet she sent out with stats 2, 7, 12, and 19.
  b. SFX dates are calendar year; Gordon could provide fiscal year if that’s preferred.
  c. Laurie indicated the Stat 2 requests/clickthroughs from Endeavor seemed unusual. Denise explained it’s due to the new VuFind catalog with a different   syntax. The clickthroughs should be accurate.
  d. January 2016 is the earliest data available on the active server. Previous years’ data is archived but not in the active server space. It may be available, and Denise will check. Some libraries may need older data, while others will not.

5. Duplication in migration of SFX and Voyager data to via Alma P2E process. Andrea, Sue & Denise.
  a. Right now we don’t know enough to make recommendations. This will need to be addressed, but it’s not clear whether pre-migration or post-migration will require less cleanup.

6. Please review the following before the next meeting:


7. Suzanne noted that Unpaywall is one of the top 5 clickthroughs since it was activated in August. It is activated in the shared instance.

8. Next meeting date: January 9, 10:00AM
In person meeting date: We will discuss in January.

9. Adjourned at 11:01 am