Members attending: Stephanie Baker, Katrina Bromann, Geoff Pettys, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Lisa Wallis, Suzanne Wilson
Members absent: Steve Brantley, Andrea Imre
CARLI Staff attending: Denise Green.
Started the meeting with introductions and “getting to know you” conversation starters since some members were not present at the last meeting.
a. Free and open access targets were updated by Denise for shared CARLI instance. Denise asked about adding a tab for things that are recommended NOT be used, e.g. in the case where they might not really be open access, or be only partially open access. Can we add a note about why not to use them? Some have been reported to ExLibris, including a Journals at Ovid Open Access target. Let Denise know if you encounter others.
b. SFX test server update has been delayed due to CARLI staff medical issues. Denise will let us know when that is rescheduled.
c. Next open quarterly call – let Denise know of ideas. Some suggestions:
* Implementation of new system – save this for a later date when we know more about which system we will be migrating to
* Google Scholar implementation. Denise will propose some dates for next call and send out by email.
d. Denise reminded members that she can visit libraries on request to do consultations or review on SFX. She will be in Quincy on October 26, 2018.
Minutes from August 1 were approved.
Annual project will be investigating data clean up and extraction in preparation for I-Share Next.
1. Today’s minutes taken by Stephanie.
2. Erika and Lisa will work on committee report for CARLI annual meeting.
1. CARLI annual meeting – possibly do a presentation of project at CARLI
annual meeting. Erika would like someone to attend with her and to help with the report.
2. Annual Project ideas –
a. Data clean up for transition to I-Share Next
Denise has some notes on what to look at in shared instance. What should be activated for everyone (now 90 libraries). She will work on some notes, e.g. on exporting active targets. Laurie suggested documentation on integrating with Rapid ILL system. Though we don’t yet know which system we will have for I-Share Next, there are some general considerations for implementation which we can look into now and then investigate specifics after we know what the new system will be.
b. Documentation for ILL integration – consider this for annual project next year
Wednesday, October 3, 2018 at 10 a.m.
Meeting adjourned at 10:47 a.m.