SFX System Committee Minutes: 08/01/2018


Members attending: Katrina Bromann, Geoff Pettys, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Lisa Wallis, Suzanne Wilson

Members absent: Stephanie Baker, Steve Brantley, Andrea Imre

CARLI Staff attending: Denise Green.


Denise welcomed new members joining us for 2018-2019 as well as members who’ve already been serving. Each attendee introduced themselves and explained their use of SFX.

Erika has volunteered to be a (co-)chair. Denise asked if anyone else were able to serve with Erika; hearing from no one, Erika will be the Chair this year.

CARLI Update

a.    Free & open access additional targets.

  1. Denise continues to screen the free & open access targets available in SFX. Some she would certainly not recommend, such as those specifically set up for other consortia or groups. She has also identified a number of targets that overlap. She will be asking members of this committee for input on additional target activation.
  2. Andrea discovered a target that is not truly free and reported it to Denise. Denise has reported it to SFX. (JOURNALS_AT_OVID_OPEN_ACCESS_JOURNAL_COLLECTION_ROLLING)
  3. Other “free” targets that have been activated in the past have turned out to offer some content for free, other content by subscription only. It’s least confusing for users to activate only truly free targets.
  4. Denise mentioned the benefits of activating Google Scholar as a source, which will let users link to a library’s holdings through SFX.

b.    Getting ready for I-Share Next.

  1. The Task Force is still working on this project, so there are no announcements.
  2. Denise noted that whatever product is selected will include a link resolver embedded in it, so this committee will be discussing I-Share Next later this year.

c.    New VuFind

  1. Laurie and Erika both reported having migrated to new VuFind.
  2. Geoff reported their institution is hoping to switch to new VuFind in the fall after their migration to hosted EZProxy.
  3. “Old” VuFind (0.6) will remain active until the transition to I-Share Next is complete.


Minutes from April 25 were approved with minor changes.