Attendance: Karen Gallacci, Andrea Imre, Max King, Geoff Pettys, Laurie Sauer, Erika Wade Smith, Lisa Wallis
Members Absent: Steve Brantley, Peter Tubbs
CARLI Staff Attending: Denise Green
1. Comments on meeting minutes from last meeting. Approved without revision.
Discussion items:
As of April 25, 2018
VuFind Discussion items:
i. Action item: Committee will test VuFind 4 keyword relevancy after Denise and colleagues work to improve it.
Report from Denise: No further complaints have been heard, so perhaps issue is resolved with recent updates to VuFind 4.
Committee discussion: None.
ii. Action item: Ask for a list of compatible authentication systems and will add this to the FAQ.
Report from Denise: Authentication linking still evolving.
Committee discussion: Erika is working on setting up single sign on at Illinois College; this has been implemented with success on a test server and they will go live with it in the summer.
iii. Action item: Ask developer if it is possible to have facets compressed as default rather than open. She will also ask if libraries can have option to rearrange order of facets.
Report from Denise: no further work has been done on this; the developer said facets displays cannot be customized for individual libraries because there is only one settings file.
Committee discussion: None.
iv. Action item: Discussed the feature used by U of Chicago whereby SFX links/menu displays on the full bib record (see example at )
Report from Denise: No update on this.
Committee discussion: None.
v. Action item: Committee should continue to look at new VuFind and report back any features they are interested in implementing.
Committee discussion: None.
vi. Action item: Some of the bib fields (856 subfield z) in a record are being displayed, although they might not be helpful for patrons depending on what individual libraries have listed there.
Report from Denise: No update on this.
Committee discussion: None.
Completed Action items:
i. Completed Action item: Ask developer if a generic SFX button could be added instead of customized buttons; then send out a survey asking for libraries’ preferences for button in terms of logo and language.
Report from Denise: No longer needed since developer has implemented customized buttons.
ii. Completed Action item: Create a new section in the Google Doc for SFX Committee to comments on likes/dislikes of SFX and VuFind 4.
iii. Completed Action item: Ask developer if they can remove “Search alternatives.”
Report from Denise: Done in production.
iv. Completed Action item: Ask if developer can hide “suggested topics” at top.
Report from Denise: Done in test & production.
v. Completed Action item: Ask if developer can add a journal title search option.
Report from Denise: Done in test & production.
vi. Action item: Revive inquiry concerning excluding resource types in search (“hide e-resources I don’t have access to”).
Report from Denise: Done in test & production.
vii. Action item: in requesting options, change default delivery location from 1st alphabetically to either blank line/unselected or to a library selected default.
Committee discussion: Done in test & production.