Members attending: Karen Gallacci, Max King, Erika Wade Smith, Andrea Imre, Lisa Wallis.
Members absent: Laurie Sauer, Peter Tubbs, Steve Brantley, Geoff Pettys.
CARLI Staff attending: Denise Green.
1. Comments on meeting minutes from January. Approved without revision.
a. Completed web tutorials:
Denise did a little publicity, and used some scripts originally created by Paige Weston.
Denise plans to work on a tutorial for setting up the simplified menu template next.
b. Denise is working on a newsletter article about the most commonly requested/commonly requested but not found, journals through SFX. She will be sending out a draft of the article later. Denise shared charts of the titles on both lists. Some of the overlap between the two lists is due to titles that are embargoed for a certain period of time.
Karen asked if we can pull these SFX stats for our own libraries. This information is available in Query #12 in the SFX admin module.
Denise pointed out that older reports (before 2016) are archived. CARLI is still looking for a way to remove the obsolete years from the dropdown. Andrea pointed out that this can lead to reports appearing to include dates that are actually not available.
CARLI staff was notified that the annual project will be due Thursday, May 31.
Discussion items:
1.) Follow up on new VuFind action items.
i. Completed Action item: Ask developer if a generic SFX button could be added instead of customized buttons; then send out a survey asking for libraries’ preferences for button in terms of logo and language.
Report from Denise: No longer needed since developer has implemented customized buttons.
ii. Completed Action item: Create a new section in the Google Doc for SFX Committee to comments on likes/dislikes of SFX and VuFind 4.
iii. Action item: Committee will test VuFind 4 keyword relevancy after Denise and colleagues work to improve it.
Report from Denise: Reindexing is being done and may affect relevancy. Denise will update us on progress.
iv. Action item: Ask for a list of compatible authentication systems and will add this to the FAQ.
Report from Denise: Partial list added to FAQ. Some libraries are preparing to test their authentication systems with eye on Summer 2018 switch to new VuFind.
v. Action item: Ask developer if it is possible to have facets compressed as default rather than open. She will also ask if libraries can have option to rearrange order of facets.
Report from Denise: Since this not an option in old VuFind, it had not been considered in VuF4 and there is no easy configuration or set up option in programming to do so.
vi. Action item: Ask if developer can hide “suggested topics” at top.
Report from Denise: This is now in VuFind enhancement queue; no timeline yet for development/implementation.
vii. Action item: Ask developer if they can remove “Search alternatives.”
Report from Denise: Now in VuFind enhancement queue; no timeline yet for development/implementation.
viii. Action item: Ask if developer can add a journal title search option.
Report from Denise: Now in VuFind enhancement queue, no timeline yet.
ix. Action item: Revive inquiry concerning excluding resource types in search (“hide e-resources I don’t have access to”).
Report from Denise: This is back in VuFind enhancement queue with no timeline yet for development/implementation. Hathitrust underway.
x. Action item: Discussed the feature used by U of Chicago whereby SFX links/menu displays on the full bib record (see example at )
Committee discussion: Agreed that this is a valuable feature and we should request this enhancement.
Report from Denise: This is in VuFind enhancement queue with no timeline yet for development/implementation.
xi. Action item: Committee should continue to look at new VuFind and report back any features they are interested in implementing.
2.) Annual project/deliverable: Due Thursday May 31, 2018.
1. SFX and VuFind4 OPAC-
We would like to summarize our VuFind findings, and give direction for those who would like more information.
3.) New VuFind4 next steps- IIT. - Max
i. Parser required update to work with New VuFind4.
1. Initially, OPAC target had to be old VuFind until search syntax could be updated
2. Some people will have to change “local catalog server” link parameter in SFX
ii. Cover images broken
1. Test environment now shows the fix
iii. Requests currently able to be sent to non-requestable items
1. Only for some legacy accounts
2. CARLI is working on a fix
iv. Saving and exporting titles
1. Publication year is not exported
2. Pagination is also off
v. Default “preferred library”
1. In individual profiles, this is not set to anything initially
2. It looks as though there is a library chosen, but really this is just the first location in the list, and this has to be manually selected.
3. It would be preferable for this to either be blank initially, or to be a default set by library staff.
vi. Accounts without A numbers (IIT specific?)
1. Older accounts that did not follow the same formatting did not function.
2. IIT solved by manually updating formatting on old accounts when the issue arose.
. Andrea suggested that it might be possible to suppress all of the catalog link in the SFX menu when coming from the catalog in order to avoid a certain amount nonproductive back and forth.
Denise will check on this in the documentation.
Overall, the new VuFind is working well. It is especially helpful that it is mobile responsive, and library patrons are not complaining.
Some of the bib fields (856 subfield z) in a record are being displayed, although they might not be helpful for patrons depending on what individual libraries have listed there. Denise will investigate.
Denise also asked if the work “Internet” in the holding field could be changed to something more fitting.
Some additional libraries are considering making the move to VuFind 4 in the summer.
March 14, 2018.