Members attending: Max King, Geoff Pettys, Erika Wade, Karen Gallacci, Andrea Imre, Laurie Sauer, Lisa Wallis, Steve Brantley.
Members absent: Peter Tubbs
CARLI Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Denise Green.
1. Minutes of August 16th, 2017 approved without additions or corrections.
Minutes taken by Max King.
1. CARLI Update from Denise
a. New release of SFX to go live in late September or early October. Will focus on citation linker updates.
b. Next quarterly conference call needs to be planned.
c. I-Share next is continuing to progress, but very slowly. The RFP has yet to go out to vendors.
2. Quarterly open conference call:
a. Possible options
i. New A-Z list. Geoff was interested in this. 5-6 universities have adopted this list. No rush to move to the new A-Z list, but at some point the old one will be discontinued.
ii. Citation linker changes
3. CARLI Annual Meeting
a. Denise will send out one-pager document with notes from discussion to the committee for editing and review. Committee will edit for consistency and will need to send to Anne Craig/CARLI by October 16th.
b. Denise reported that the SFX committee will not be presenting at the annual meeting.
4. VuFind 3 Release a. Some support/troubleshooting for the new VuFind and coordination with SFX needs to be provided. The committee will coordinate to test that functionality. University of Chicago was put forth as an example of a university that could be used as an example. Checking for other VuFind 3 or higher libraries on the VuFind site
i. Andrea noted that Customizations for this may be an issue. Everybody gets the same button/text for linking out to SFX in VuFind at the moment.
ii. Laurie suggested bringing this to the attention of the VuFind Developers. Denise will do so.
iii. Denise noted that they are currently working on ensuring resource sharing is working well.
5. CARLI SFX Annual report:
a. Questions about whether the reports from last year are being used. Denise confirmed that she has directed member institutions to documentation when they have questions regarding the topics covered.
b. How to pare down the documentation created to make it more useful?
c. Denise will reach out to CARLI to find out required format for annual project for 2017-18.
d. Denise, Max and Karen will coordinate over email when information about the format of the annual report is specified.
e. The plan for the annual report is due by October 13th.
6. Next SFX committee meeting is in person
a. October 20th seems to work for most. The committee conference call on Oct. 11 was cancelled.
b. Meeting will be held in Springfield, SIU School of Medicine, 801 North Rutledge, starting at 10:30, ending at 4:30 at the latest.
c. Geoff will follow up with more info, and coordinate with Denise.
7. Miscellaneous
a. Max asked about citation searcher for SFX.
i. There are some required fields despite the fact that that is not specified there is no indication.
ii. Generally, it is useful when searching for DOI or PubMed ID.
Thursday, Oct. 20 2017 at SIU School of Medicine.