Members attending: Andrea Imre, Max King, Laurie Sauer, Geoff Pettys, Erika Wade, Lisa Wallis
Members absent: Steve Brantley, Karen Gallacci, Peter Tubbs.
CARLI Staff attending: Mary Burkee, Denise Green.
1. Lisa Wallis resigned as chair. Denise will ask members not present who have longevity on the committee if one of them will consent to be chair.
2. Committee members introduced each other.
1. Minutes of May 31, 2017 approved without additions or corrections.
2. Monthly meetings will be second Wednesday of the month at 10:00 am.
Tasks Assigned:
Minutes taken by Laurie Sauer.
- Denise is working on updating free and open access targets.
- New SFX A-Z list implementation is progressing among CARLI libraries. Documentation and the webinar are very helpful.
- Changes in direct linking discussed. Denise will be changing the documentation about this on the CARLI web site.
- CARLI I-Share Next process: Task force is working with state procurement office on refining the document.
- Discussed the committee charge. Ideas for annual projects presented:
- Usage patterns
- New version of VuFind and SFX integration. Full SFX functionality not yet present; more development needed, but this committee could work to test functionality
6. Need to decide if this committee will present at the CARLI annual meeting in November.
Next meeting:
August 9, 2017 at 10:00 am.