Karen Gallacci, Andrea Imre, Lauren Jackson-Beck (minutes), Max King, Peter Tubbs. CARLI Staff: Mary Burkee, Denise Green.
Not attending:Lisa Wallis, Jeff Matlak.
- Updates from 20171100 include A-Z list changes.
- Changes are optional. Go to config->A-Z ejournal list->Display Section->Open access (unlocked padlock), peer review (Mortar Board hat thing) options.
- Often, changes won’t appear right away (or may conflict with previous changes you’ve made.)
- CARLI (Denise) will let you know which files may need to be changed for these additional options to work. SFX also has documentation on how to do so.
- Double check that it’s working if you make this update!!!!
- This is also the first step of a major redesign of the A-Z list.
• Voted to approve minutes from last meeting.
Discussion items:
- EBSCO Title Lists:
- Seems to be a common occurrence. EBSCO consistently has issues with SFX.
- Lauren mentioned that EBSCO, when contacted, indicated this is something that might be a problem on SFX’s end, or that individual publishers may be sending incorrect information.
- Denise recommends to send updates to Ex Libris through the SFX reporting tool about these types of mistakes. (Edit the object and click “send to ex libris”)
Open Conference Call: Start with Peter and Lauren. Then move into Karen and Lauren.
- FY17 Deliverables:
- Bring deliverable drafts to next meeting for review/feedback. Denise will show on shared screen
- Updated list of FY17 Deliverables:
1. How to activate collections: target choice Lauren, Peter
2. Display/interface options: Andrea
3. Mobile options: Max, Peter
4. Individual subscriptions activations: Lauren, Karen
5. Interlibrary loan options: Andy
6. Documenting decisions and “how to” for successors: Karen, Lisa
7. Reporting/fixing mistakes in Knowledge Base: Jeff, Andy
8. Usage stats: Jeff, Andy