Karen Gallacci, Andrea Imre, Lauren Jackson-Beck (minutes), Max King, Jeff Matlak, Peter Tubbs, Lisa Wallis, CARLI Staff: Mary Burkee, Denise Green.
• Denise has been working on a 2 part lesson for DirectLink. Thanks to everyone who commented on her work. Denise will also be working on the documentation for the A-Z list because these are somewhat out of date for the current SFX version 4. Denise would like feedback on the draft of part 2, which was emailed on February 14th. Peter also commented that you can test DirectLink on the SFX test server by switching the URL.
• There are 4 CARLI libraries that are leaving SFX. The price for SFX has increased and some institutions may be using alternative products through their discovery services.
• Updates on the new ILS system: CARLI staff members have been revising the I-Share Next RFP with advice from the State of Illinois procurement office. They hope to finish this soon. The proposal is continuing to make progress, and Denise reminded everyone that this is a lengthy process.
Open Conference Call: The next open conference call is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday April 19th in the morning. We discussed recording the open conference call through Adobe Connect. Denise believes this is a good educational tool and is a good way to provide additional support to those looking for more information. The Adobe Connect recording of the last conference call will be placed on CARLI’s You Tube channel. CARLI is working on this now.
Topic ideas for the Open Conference Call: It was suggested that using some of the FY17 deliverables topics for the next Open Conference Call would be a good idea. Karen volunteered to present her work on “Individual Subscriptions Activations.” Lauren will also help with this and present on EJS journals. Peter and Lauren will also present on “How to activate Collections with Target choices.”
FY17 Deliverables.
Max reiterated that the draft for everyone’s FY17 Deliverables will be due on April 26th. The format for the FY17 Deliverables will be a text, document format that can be turned into a .pdf. Max doesn’t have a personal preference with the layout of the content.
Updated list of FY17 Deliverables:
1. How to activate collections: target choice Lauren, Pete
2. Display/interface options: Andrea
3. Mobile options: Max, Peter
4. Individual subscriptions activations: Lauren, Karen
5. Interlibrary loan options: Andy
6. Documenting decisions and “how to” for successors: Karen, Lisa
7. Reporting/fixing mistakes in Knowledge Base: Jeff, Andy
8. Usage stats: Jeff, Andy