Anita Foster (Chair), Denise Green, Andrea Imre (Minutes taker), Andrew Meyer, Jim Millhorn, Stacey Knight-Davis (by phone)
Liz Bernal, Xiaotian Chen, Steve Oberg, Jared Wellman
Mary Burkee, Paige Weston
Minute taker: Andrea Imre
Committee review Discussion
Subgroups worked well, topics discussed in monthly meetings were helpful, much info was shared with CARLI SFX users, we had an active committee e-mail list.
For Paige the committee provided a sounding board, she was able to get valuable feedback from the group, e.g. getting a sense of urgent matters.
Meeting structure
Agenda was sent out a couple of days before meeting by chair
Monthly conference calls will continue to be held next year on the 2nd Wed. of each month 10:00-11:00
Susan from CARLI will have a conference call for all incoming CARLI chairs
Committee work documentation (committee website and wiki)
CARLI has a website for the committee that includes minutes (no login required)
Wiki – login is required for editing, viewing is open
Support for Paige
Users from committee have no issues or concerns with CARLI’s management of SFX
It was mentioned that in several institutions staff expects upgrade announcements each Monday.
Subgroups – how did the process work
Last year’s subgroups:
SFX glossary subgroup- white paper produced in FY14. Anita will send out an announcement to SFX CARLI group with SFX glossary link.
SFX survey subgroup – survey is planned to be sent out in Sept., analysis will be next FY15 activity, the goal is to discern continuing education needs of SFX CARLI administrators, also to use results in program planning.
SFX tutorials subgroup - training video group chatted and also had an in-person meeting, Anita is leaving the group.
White paper ideas:
for FY15- analysis of SFX survey,
for FY16- a pathfinder about the training videos, training videos rolled out gradually
Possible tasks for next year
Programming ideas, gather more feedback from SFX administrators who are not part of the committee. We need a broader audience, possibly we could have a program on open access.
Jim mentioned the “new journal” listserv out of Georgetown that comes out with daily announcements about new journals. Discussion about pros and cons of enabling open access content in SFX, value of open access, especially for smaller libraries.
NIH mandate - PubMed content access via linkresolvers – Stacey has done a presentation on OA content in PubMed especially on how it relates to SFX
lack of deep linking is an issues for OA content
other open access content linking challenges
Illinois State mandate to create institutional open access policies
POWRR grant
Andrea to bring up the open access program suggestion at CARLI chairs’ meeting
Project ideas
evaluate FREE or OPEN targets in SFX KB to come up with CARLI recommended free targets - especially commercial publisher’s free content, Springer, Elsevier.
Denise asked Paige if Gordon could generate a list of FREE /OPEN targets for her to review.
Paige to send out information about general maintenance tasks to CARLI SFX listserv. On CARLI website an ELUNA presentation is posted on basic workflow for new updates.
Identify SFX usage stats to run across all CARLI instances, to establish context for individual administrators when they review their own instance's usage stats.
Andy will make some recommendations.
open conference call(s) for all SFX administrators – solicit questions beforehand via e-mail, possibly use Google hangout as a platform (it’s free and easy to set up, allows video conferencing and screen sharing)
Training videos - training at the basic level is needed
Composition of subgroups membership - new and continuing committee members - Jared accepted a new position at another institution and will be replaced by a new member for FY15-FY16.
CARLI EBL PDA and the SFX Shared Instance
Per Paige, since there were not that many resources that were good for everybody and there is nothing in the admin interface that allows its integration with the local instance the shared instance never really bore fruit. Only the SFX menu reveals what is activated in the shared instance. Having everything activated in the shared instance also makes statistics & exports more complicated.
Now with EBL’s 29,000 titles and monthly updates, the shared instance seems more important and beneficial to everyone. Monthly files will be posted on UI box, but not all SFX admins will be applying local changes. This is why shared instance will be beneficial to all. All libraries will be linked to the shared instance and Paige will send out a note with an option for libraries to opt out from shared instance.
If a target with the same KB target name (not public display name) is activated in the local KB then local will trump the shared instance, and the shared target will NOT display. Service sorting settings will still apply.
CARLI started to export monographic objects to Google Scholar for all libraries. This is expected to raise usage stats of monograph requests via SFX.
Discussion of implementation options:
ISU EBL process - local target for unpurchased titles, global target for purchased titles, quarterly load of titles into local target based on title list pulled from YBP, only about 200 some titles are not available in KB. SFX display logic is set to display global instead of local. ISU records are also in catalog and EDS.
Usage stats pulled from SFX supported continuing the workflow.
Inclusion of Hathi trust titles in SFX:
This was discussed in an earlier committee meeting. Decision was made not to activate object portfolios because of the large number of titles included in Hathi. Since Hathi doesn’t have standard numbers, a catalog target with Z39.50 plugin was not viable.
Discussion about interface and usability issues with EBL, especially downloading difficulties. Denise demoed downloading a section of the book using the Print function in EBL. Also, libraries should use the EBL libguide that includes detailed instruction about using the platform, including download options, Adobe Digital requirement. etc. The libguide is listed on the CARLI EBL page.
Making Dissertation Abstracts work better in SFX - a solution implemented by Knox College was mentioned, see webinar.
Another option is to create a local getWebservices target pointing to a library webpage with a tutorial on dissertations and theses and how to obtain them.
Few libraries have the Proquest Dissertations target enabled in the KB, therefore problems with linking to FT in this database were not discussed in great detail. Jonathan Rochkind posted a solution to the global SFX listserv sometime in the past that can be consulted by those who have this target activated.
Setting up an instant document delivery service (i.e. Get It Now) best practices
Jim shared his library’s experience with setting this up. Set-up is pretty straightforward, requires adding local account info to target L/P fields.
Members thanked Anita Foster for her superb job as chair this year.
Next Meeting: July 9, 2014 (to be confirmed)