Elizabeth Bernal (Chicago School of Professional Psychology); Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University); Anita Foster, chair (Illinois State University); Denise Green (Millikin University); Andrea Imre (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Stacey Knight-Davis (Eastern Illinois University); Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University); Steve Oberg, minutes taker (Wheaton College)
Jared Wellman (Lincoln Land Community College)
Paige Weston
Anita convened the meeting @ 10:03a.
Post mortem meeting – Anita. Might be useful for CARLI and members to
discuss how the first year went. In person, for June 12? Probably
would be a ½ day meeting. Committee agreed. Discussion will be on
reports from sub-committee work, future work, etc.
“Report a broken link” feature — Paige. Reported on libraries that
hadn’t turned it off and/or hadn’t added a direct email. Majority of
those who’ve taken action has chosen to add a direct email rather than
turn off the functionality altogether. Around twenty libraries hadn’t
taken action yet.
Transparent pixel issue – Xiaotian. Seen lots of evidence of issue in
his library. Evidence shows it is not browser dependent. Solutions
have been posted to SFX-DISCUSS-L but we should be reluctant to
implement a solution until/unless we can readily replicate the problem
and then test the solution. Liz reported this error to Ex Libris (she
has an Ex Libris-hosted instance, not a CARLI-hosted instance), and received
instructions from them about how to fix. They described it as a known
issue that should have been fixed over several service pack
updates. They believe it’s caused by a local template file that isn’t
symbolically linked. Paige wanted to see these instructions to then
compare with template setup at CARLI institutions who’ve reported
having this problem (e.g. Bradley, Illinois Wesleyan). Liz will email
instructions to the committee (already done immediately after the
meeting concluded). Xiaotian suggested more people try the replication
steps posted to SFX-DISCUSS-L that two institutions have said
guarantee that the problem will happen. Denise suggested that a big
wrinkle or hurdle to replicating adequately might be proxy/security
settings in local environment.
Working group updates — All.
Paige noted updates to glossary earlier
today. Stacey noted that she had added the updates originally back in
December but they were lost due to a wiki glitch. Glossary working
group would like another week to review and finalize, and will email
committee when finalized. Committee agreed to discuss final glossary
in April meeting. Anita noted that this will be a living document that
will continue to change and update over time, and we may wish to
accept “good enough” for CARLI, to which the committee agreed. The
training working group will adopt the “good enough” approach as well;
Paige noted she has reviewed recorded video clips from Cathy Salika
and we will model our training clips after them, including written
scripts. This working group will meet in person @ CARLI on 26 of
Jim briefly discussed survey working group’s update. Survey
seems ready to go based on feedback from committee; Anita suggested
sending out the survey link again for one last review before survey is
ready for CARLI review. Anita suggested 28 of March for deadline for
last committee review. Jim will email survey link to committee after
Other issues — All. Jim mentioned “This article may be under embargo”
message that appears for EBSCOhost links to ILLiad. Paige and Xiaotian
mentioned that there is a solution to it by modifying Display Logic
rules. Andrea suggested Jim send example OpenURL of the problem to the
committee, which he plans to do. Xiaotian will share details of his
workaround/solution with committee as well (already done immediately
after conclusion of meeting).
Steve highlighted, for future
consideration, the deep integration of OpenURL services in next gen
ILS development, and how this might be something to consider for the
I-Share Next committee. We might not have a standalone OpenURL service
like SFX. Anita suggested that this committee should note this for
communication and collaboration with that newly formed committee as
they begin deliberations.
Next Meeting: April 9, 2014