Elizabeth Bernal (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Anita Foster, chair (Illinois State University), Denise Green, minutes taker (Millikin University), Stacey Knight-Davis (Eastern Illinois University), Steve Oberg (Wheaton College), Jared Wellman (Lincoln Land Community College)
Andrea Imre, by phone (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University)
Paige Weston, Mary Burkee
Nothing to report on SFX except that CARLI did complete the update to 4.5.3 over break
Paige summarized the preliminary information that's available about the I-Share Next project. New since the newsletter article is that the I-Share Next Task Force will be populated in the spring, around the same time other CARLI committees are populated for FY15. The I-Share Next Task Force is likely to begin its work after the ALA Annual conference. The webinars mentioned in the newsletter article will be high-level overview webinars, not nitty gritty stuff about any particular product.
Questions from the SFX Committee about I-Share Next:
How will this impact the XC project? Whatever back-end system CARLI runs will need to have some sort of front end, providing some sort of discovery system to put in front of the users. Will we look for a library management system that works with XC, or will we look for a discovery layer that works with the management system we choose? Depends on which one looks real first.
What is the possible timeframe: CARLI to have a new system, possibly, in about 5 to 7 years
Will I-Share Next replace both Voyager and SFX? The SFX Committee will want to return to this question later.
Paige summarized the CARLI newsletter article about the eBook PDA pilot project.
Thoughts on adding eBook records to SFX as part of this project? Will this help? Paige is not thinking it will, but seeks the committee's thoughts.
Anita indicated that ISU has a PDA project running and that they do expose all titles in SFX. She wasn't sure in what sources, other than the OPAC, users discover the titles; she needs to look more closely at her SFX data. ISU exposes everything in SFX on principle, and believes it adds value.
Denise points out that more and more sources do include books or book chapters, so the SFX eBook A-Z is not the only game in town.
Steve concurs that exposing PDA titles in SFX would be A Good Thing, particularly for SFX-but-not-I-Share CARLI libraries.
Libraries with their own EBL PDA projects might need to change their profiles to reduce overlap with the CARLI project
In general terms, CARLI favors triggers that will cause CARLI to purchase a title quickly, rather than after numerous short-term rentals. Triggers can be adjusted as the project proceeds.
Discussion Item
a. Working Groups
Training webinars - No progress to report
Glossary team. Some minor work on the wikik, but nothing significant to report
Member survey planning team - No progress to report
Other Items
Next Meeting: February 12, 2014
The meeting ended at 10:34 am