Elizabeth Bernal (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Anita Foster, chair (Illinois State University), Denise Green, minutes taker (Millikin University), Andrea Imre, by phone (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Stacey Knight-Davis (Eastern Illinois University), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Steve Oberg (Wheaton College), Jared Wellman (Lincoln Land Community College)
Paige Weston, Mary Burkee
Paige reported that SalesForce institutional logins were in place for all institutions whose SFX instance is hosted by CARLI. Everyone should now be able to submit KB problem reports from SFXAdmin.
There is a KB and software update currently in test. It will be loaded on December 14th if testing goes well or at a later date if problems are discovered.
In the Usage Stats Forum wrap up it was mentioned that there was good feedback from the attendee survey. Problems with data from publishers were discussed at the meeting. There was some discussion of UStat.
Discussion Item
a. Working Groups
Training webinars team met at the forum
Glossary team did not meet at the forum. Some work has been done by email. Adding a link to a glossary developed by CalState and a link to the glossary in the appendix of the SFX documentation was discussed. The goal of the glossary is to support CARLI SFX administrators. The preliminary deadline is February, with the white paper due in May.
Member survey planning team has been working by email and is moving along. Help from CARLI with Survey Monkey is available if needed.
Other Items
Andrea has turned on the “report a broken link” feature that Steve discussed in a previous meeting. The new option is more visible and Andrea has received 32 reports since the Thanksgiving holiday. Steve is receiving about 30 reports per week through the system. The new system has the potential for problems to be resolved globally, but there is no way to contact the user submitting the problem. Problems with the Miscellaneous Free E journals target were discussed. Some problems are from user error, but most are not. It was suggested that SFX administrators split up the task of checking targets. Paige asked if the document on the CARLI website describing SFX feedback options should be revised to encourage use of the new reporting system. There was general agreement that this would be helpful.
Depending on the number of agenda items and committee member availability, the January 8 meeting may be canceled.
The meeting ended at 10:35 am