Elizabeth Bernal (Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Xiaotian Chen (Bradley University), Anita Foster (Illinois State University), Denise Green (Millikin University), Andrea Imre, by phone (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Stacey Knight-Davis (Eastern Illinois University), Jim Millhorn (Northern Illinois University), Steve Oberg (Wheaton College), Jared Wellman (Lincoln Land Community College)
Paige Weston, Mary Burkee
Susan Singleton, CARLI Executive Director
Anita Foster will serve as committee chair in FY14.
Members drew lots for one-, two-, or three-year terms on the committee.
The committee will meet via conference call on the second Wednesday of each month, beginning in September. The conference calls will be scheduled for 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Minutes will be taken by committee members on a rotating basis, alphabetically by last name.
The committee's first project for the year will be to create a glossary of SFX vocabulary.
Susan Singleton, Executive Director of CARLI, explained that the CARLI committee reorganization is intended to increase communication and coordination and to be more inclusive of members who are not I-Share participants. All committees will include two CARLI staff liaisons. Committee guidelines.
To aid broad (CARLI wide) communication, committee minutes should be shared and posted to the website within 7-10 days. Minutes should summarize discussions as well as decisions according to the template.
Meeting and event planning should be done early and follow the CARLI event planning timeline: 4 months advance notice of plans for Forums, 6 months advance notice of details for continuing education programs that require resources and outside speakers. Joint events with other CARLI committees are encouraged.
White Paper charge for all CARLI committees: Produce a work within the scope of the committee charge that will benefit the CARLI membership to be shared with the Board and posted on the website. This can be almost any work to benefit CARLI, including knowledge sharing, a best practices document, a “state of the art” compilation, or a traditional white paper. Due by May 30 for the June 2014 Board meeting.
CARLI Update: Voyager has been migrated from Solaris to Linux. Voyager client performance has significantly improved, but the real test will come during the semester under real load. Bib and patron record loading are faster as well. Two new I-Share libraries have been added and four will be added during the Fall 2014 semester.
Reviewed the charge of this new committee.
Reviewed possible projects for the year including a glossary for new SFX administrators, steps to follow after a knowledge base update, various webinars, usage statistics (how to gather, best practices, UStat usefulness, etc.), collaboration with Instruction (how libraries teach SFX, and how that could inform interface redesign work).
Paige will post a note on sfx-discuss-l asking if anyone has created a glossary of terms for new SFX administrators.
Committee members will send assigned glossary definitions to the list before the next meeting.
Committee members will review current SFX documentation on the CARLI website and recommend updates, improvements, edits.
Mary will speak with Cindy Clennon about SFX committee collaboration with the Commercial Products Committee Fall Forum.
Paige will link SFXAdmin to the searchable archive of email distribution lists.
Paige and Mary will discuss potential event collaboration with the Instruction Committee liaisons.
Paige will try creating a specialized I-Share target that uses the Z39.50 plugin against the RESdb, for HathiTrust bib records.
Anita will test the Z39.50 plugin for her Voyager OPAC target, and report whether the migration to Linux has improved performance.
Next Meeting: Conference call on Wednesday, September 11, 2013, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.