Present: Mary Burkee, Denise Green, Joanna Kolendo, Xiaotian Chen, Andrew Meyer, Steve Oberg, Peter Tubbs, Jeff Matlak, Max King. Meeting chaired by Steve Oberg. Absent: Cynthia Scott, Lauren Jackson-Beck.
- Denise keeps eyes out for free and open access targets from reputable publishers. Denise has added display logic rules to cut down on overlap across multiple packages from the same vendor (eg. Wiley.)
- Some free ebook packages are being withdrawn due to relevancy issues.
- Wiley and Sage free targets: Peter reported intermittent access problems. A proliferation of Wiley targets also makes this problematic for libraries to choose the correct one. All of this begs the question, how do you stay on top of changes made by large publishers that aren’t reporting accurately to SFX?
- Steve raised the point of surveying libraries to find out their perspectives on the new, CARLI-provided service for activating free/open access targets. Denise mentioned that Wheaton (Steve’s institution) has chosen to opt out of this service. Rationale is because local control over SFX targets outweighed the ease of the service provided by CARLI.. This is not necessarily an all or nothing proposition. Peter raised the question: In order to get a lay of the land is there a way to find out who has direct linking activated and who does not? Denise will work on a list of those with direct linking currently active.
- Action Item: Ahead of the next quarterly conference call provide attendees with a heads up that we will discuss & solicit feedback about activated open access shared CARLI targets.
- Our next committee meeting is March 9th. Perhaps could be rescheduled to later March so that the committee would have time to work on deliverable components and plan for conference call.
- Decision is to stick with March 2nd conference call.
-Feature for that meeting: Open Access.
-Action Item: Denise will send out a revised meeting date for next committee meeting from March 9th to March 23rd.
- Steve has sent out an example of what a deliverable could look like. Overall it was received positively as a possible sample framework.