Members attending: Belinda Cheek (North Central College), Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library), Kari Garman (Bradley University), Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Thomas Mantzakides (Morton College), Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University), Marcella Nowak (College of DuPage), Nathan Thebarge (Trinity International University), Ashtin Trimble (Black Hawk College)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell and Lorna Engels
CARLI Update:
- A Voyager Skills Webinar about using the "Item Tracking" query set will be held on Friday, November 30th; another webinar about Voyager applications will be held on Friday, December 14th at 11:00 a.m.
- Debbie will send out an e-mail reminder soon about extending Call Slip queues over the holidays.
- The Instruction committee will be hosting a Twitter chat around cultivating learning environments for students with diverse identities on Friday, December 7th at 12:00 p.m (Use the #inclusiveinfolit to follow/participate in the discussion).
- CARLI offices will close on December 21st and re-open on January 2nd. After hours support will be available during the break.
- Review of most recent ResShar-ig email topic and response:
- The November listserv question on using “reserves” for non-course/text/non-traditional material (spaces, rooms, equipment) received 13 responses.
- The popularity of the topic extended to the committee members themselves as discussion ensued on the use of group study rooms, etc.
- Rand will collate the e-mail responses and send to the ResShar-ig listserv.
- The next email topic will be about food/drink policy. Eric will draft the question for the committee to review before distribution to the listserv during the week of December 10.
- Discussion of Fall Forum at ALP -- Oct. 25th:
- The evaluations of the Fall Forum were mostly positive; the Travis McDade presentation and the open-ended discussions were rather popular. There were mixed responses concerning the time allotted to each topic.
- The committee discussed the possibility of having the next forum upstate (e.g. Chicagoland area) and alternating open houses and forums from one year to the next.
- In-person forums have a longer lead-time (location, insurance forms, other paperwork.)
- It might be possible to host an open house next Spring, but if so the Committee would have to start on it as soon as possible.
- There was discussion about hosting a forum focusing on the transition to the Alma library services platform.
- CARLI Annual Meeting:
- Sarah, Belinda, Debbie, and Lorna were present.
- Sarah and Belinda presented on the committee’s annual project.
- The major topic covered during the meeting was the announcement of Alma/I-Share next.
- Annual Project:
- Before the next meeting, the Committee members will all review the Google Document listing the Universal Borrowing Standardized Policies Chart.
- Members may highlight and make comments that will enable us to see what points to turn into survey questions.
- The consensus among committee members is to be specific with the questions (e.g. are loan periods too long or too short?) with the understanding that questions should be kept as non-platform specific as possible (e.g. they should not focus on how Voyager does something).
- The survey is going to be sent out after the holidays to the ResShar-ig listerv, once staff settle in after the holiday break.
- Debbie mentioned that the Collection Management Committee is considering having their annual project focus on how resource sharing statistics impact collection management; our committee may be contacted to serve in an advisory role if they decide to pursue this project; Debbie will notify us once she more learns more.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 19, 10:00 – 11:30 AM via conference call
- Schedule of Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month, 10:00 – 11:30 AM via conference call