Phone Conference
Members attending: Belinda Cheek (North Central College), Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library), Kelly Fisher (Eureka College), Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Thomas Mantzakides (Morton College), Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University) Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University Chicago)
Members absent: Lisa Horsley (Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum), Amanda Roberts (University of Illinois Springfield)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- The Committee approved the minutes from the May 16, 2018, meeting with an update regarding Kelly Fisher’s attendance.
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:43 AM.
Announcements/CARLI Updates
- Voyager Access & Circulation training coming up in July, August, & September. Announcements will be forthcoming.
- New members for 2018-19: Marcella Nowak (College of Dupage) will replace Lisa for a two year term. Kari Garman (Bradley), Nathan Thebarge (TIU), and Robin Hofstetter (UIC) will fulfill three year terms.
- Co-Chairs Eric Edwards and Thomas thanked the committee members and liaisons for their work this past year.
- Listserv topic responses:
- The June listserv question on Lost item procedures has had a good response.
- Eric encouraged committee members to contribute if they have not so far.
- Annual project review:
- Eric thanked everyone for their contributions to the project.
- Ideas for improving the annual project process include aiming to be finished in April to beat the May deadline and collecting data during the fall semester instead of early spring.
- Debbie and Lorna reminded the committee that there are many types of projects that can be worked on, not just research papers topics, including best practices, and advised the committee to review other committee’s projects for ideas.
- Eric mentioned the possibility of the project being presented as a poster at ILA in Peoria in October.
- Debbie will upload the project to the CARLI website.
- Fall Forum planning (Thursday, October 25, at Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum):
- Debbie and Lorna will send the committee a draft of a presenter recruitment survey for feedback.
- Members are encouraged to approach colleagues or volunteer for presentations themselves.
- A first call for presenters will be in June with a reminder in July.
- Registration will open at least 6 weeks prior on Sept. 20.
- Other business:
- Debbie attended the Great Lakes Resource Conference June 7-8 in Perrysberg, OH and did see some others from CARLI member libraries.
- Major topics included the transition from ILLIAD to TIPASA, OERs and online textbooks, and the importance of delivery services.
- Sarah will be attending ALA this month.
- New chair selection:
- Belinda and Sarah volunteered to be co-chairs for 2018-19.
Tasks Assigned
- Debbie to update May minutes and upload to the CARLI website.
- Debbie and Lorna to send committee the presenter recruitment survey for feedback.
- Debbie will upload the annual project to the CARLI website.
- Lorna will send out a Doodle poll to the membership in July to determine the in-person meeting in July or August.
Meeting Dates
- The next meeting will be scheduled for July or August at the CARLI office depending on the committee members’ schedules and the meeting space’s availability.