Conference Call
Members attending: Eric Edwards (Illinois State Library); Sandra Engram (Illinois College of Optometry); Kelly Fisher (Eureka College); Rand Hartsell (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign); Amy LeFager (National-Louis University); Thomas Mantzakides (University of Illinois at Chicago); Sarah Mueth (University of Illinois Springfield); Marcella Nowak (College of DuPage); Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University Chicago).
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
- CARLI Announcements
- CARLI is holding cataloging training on Wednesday, May 17, and Thursday, May 18.
- The next CARLI strategic planning meeting will take place on Tuesday, May 23.
- The CARLI Office will be closed for Memorial Day on Monday, May 29.
- There will be some Reports mini-webinars on various topics later; these events do not require preregistration.
- Committee Membership
- Sarah Mueth will resign from the Committee at the end of June, leaving four slots open.
- So far, three people have accepted invitations to fill the spaces.
- Any of the five returning Committee members are eligible to serve as Chair or Co-Chairs for 2017-18.
- Annual Project
- Amy and Marcella are determining which data from the ILLINET traffic survey to include in the final analysis, especially since numbers from before 2015 and 2016 are not available for some libraries.
- It might work best to track general trends (such as returnables vs. non-returnables) over the full five years, and then do a more detailed analysis, including a breakdown by institution type, for the last two years.
- Marcella and Amy will also need to determine how best to display the information from the survey; a bar graph would probably be easiest to understand.
- Debbie and Lorna emphasized that it is fine if the Committee does not completely finish the project by June, but it does need to submit at least a preliminary report to the CARLI Board.
- In making the report’s length manageable, including all of the articles from the annotated bibliography might prove difficult, but at least the ones focusing on Illinois libraries would be useful for explaining certain trends in the data.
- The Committee could integrate the articles about other states into next year’s project, which will expand to include non-Illinois libraries.
- Since Amy and Marcella still need to sift through the data, it will work best if everyone on the Committee contributes to a draft of the report that the Committee will submit to the CARLI Board.
- Committee members have signed up for different sections, such as the introduction, the methods section, the conclusion, etc.
- Amy and Marcella will focus on the section covering data analysis.
- The minutes from the April 18, 2017, meeting were approved.
- The May 16 meeting was adjourned at 11:57 AM.
Tasks assigned:
- Rand will write the monthly question for the listserv, asking whether libraries lend out “nontraditional” items, such as laptops. He will send out a draft for the Committee to review.
- Amy and Marcella will finish compiling the survey data by Friday, June 9, and will then pare down and organize the information.
- The Committee will have an additional June meeting (from 10:30 to noon on Tuesday, June 6) to go over the draft of the project summary.
- Members of the subgroups working on individual sections may hold their own meetings before then, if necessary.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Regular Meeting: conference call on June 20, 2017, at 10:30 AM--Sandra is scheduled to take the minutes.