Conference Call
Members attending: Bryan Clark (ICC), Susan Duncan (UIU), Sandra Engram (ICO), Kelly Fisher (Eureka), Amy LeFager (NLU), Sarah Mueth (UIS), Jeff Ridinger (ISU), Marcella Nowak (COD)
Members absent: Jennifer Stegen (Loyola)
Staff attending: Lorna Engels
Staff absent: Debbie Campbell
- February minutes approved.
- Keep the conversations going by responding to questions that have been posted on the Resource Sharing email list, rather than generating a new question.
- Annual Project will be a web page document.
- Working with new libraries with “as needed” training.
- 2nd reminder for the Spring Open Houses went out for central and northern Illinois areas.
- Open House in the southern Illinois area canceled because low registration.
- May want to consider not having open houses next year, or not having as many open houses to help generate more interest.
Tasks assigned:
- Annual Project
- Introductory Blanket Statement– Jeff
- List of Open Access Resources – annotating the list Kelly, Marcella, and Sandra
- Annotated Bibliography – Clean Up Annotations - Amy
- Tracking System for sources filled with Open Access Resources – Susie will send a question to the ListServ to see if what systems libraries use that are currently tracking
- ILLiad users
- Non-ILLiad users
- Lending and Open Access – Bryan
- Processing Fee Statement – Debbie and Lorna
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Thursday, April 21st , Jennifer Stegen, minutes
- Schedule of Resource Sharing Committee Meetings:
- Thursday, May 19th, Bryan Clark, minutes
- Thursday, June 16th, Susie Duncan, minutes