Conference Call
Members attending: Jeff Ridinger- chair (Illinois State University), Susan Duncan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Sandra Engram (Illinois College of Optometry), Kelly Fisher(Eureka College), Amy Le Fager (National-Louis University), Jennifer Stegen (Loyola University of Chicago)
Members absent: Bryan Clark(Illinois Central College), Sarah Mueth (University of Illinois at Springfield), Marcella Nowak (College of DuPage)
Staff Attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
Guests: none
- Minutes of the September 17, 2015 conference call meeting were approved
- November meeting will look at responses to the webinar and email list discussions to see if something will spark ideas for a white paper
- White paper discussion something to be tied in with the Copyright webinar and/or the email list question/discussion
- something that may be useful as a best practice
- Jeff mentioned an annotated/curated bibliography as a possible background source
- Kelly mentioned E-Resources Embargoes
Tasks assigned:
- Jeff will draft the November email list question on copyright costs/fees.
- Email list question on copyright costs/fees fluctuation, how to pay, keeping track, collection development
- Most recent Voyager update included revisions to “best practices for lost items” –read, comment
Announcements: rom CARLI Staff
- Content DM training October 28th
- Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference June9th-10th Indianapolis
- Registration is open for the Copyright Webinar presented by Janet Brennen Croft on November 10th
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: onference Call November 19th 2:30pm, Kelley Fisher slated to take notes
- Schedule of CARLI Resource Sharing Committee Meetings:
- Conference Calls of the third Thursday of every month, from 2:30-4pm starting in September and skipping January