Location: CARLI office, Champaign, IL
Members attending: Jeff Ridinger- chair (ISU), Bryan Clark (ICC), Susie Duncan (UIUC), Sandra Engram (Illinois Center of Optometry), Kelly Fisher (Eureka College), Amy LeFager (NLU), Sarah Mueth (UIS), Marcella Nowak (COD), Jennifer Stegen (Loyola)
Members absent: None
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
Guests: Susan Singleton
- Minutes will be taken at each meeting following the last name order in the directory starting at the top.
- The committee created a list of topics for the resource sharing-interest group listserv. Debbie has the full list.
- The date of the copyright webinar was set for November 10th from 9-10:30am.
- It was decided that we would not plan a Resource Sharing Forum this year and stick with the Open House format.
- Possible Open House locations: St. Louis area, Bloomington/Normal area, and the Chicago area.
- The committee is looking at two possibilities for the annual project: testing Occam’s Reader or creating a best practice for Processing/Replacement Fees.
- The meeting was adjourned at 3:20pm.
- Susan Singleton led us through the proposal for the planned 20% reduction in budget and the status of the I-Share Next taskforce.
- Susan is checking into the possibility of getting the Resource Sharing committee trial access to the Occam’s Reader program
- CARLI is creating new branding to get better name recognition with I-Share.
- Four new I-Share libraries were announced: Blackhawk College, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library, South Suburban College, and Meadville Lombard Theological School.
Tasks assigned:
- Lorna will send out email to possible Open House locations to test interest level.
- Susan Singleton will get back to the committee about the availability of Occam’s Reader.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Thursday, September 17th from 2:30-4 (phone meeting)
- Schedule of Resource Sharing Commitee Meetings:
- 3rd Thursday of the month from 2:30-4 (phone meeting)