Conference Call
Members attending: Kathleen Bloomberg, Illinois State Library; Susan Duncan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jennifer Funk, McKendree University; Sandy Harris, Olivet Nazarene University; Amy LeFager, National-Louis University; Marcella Nowak, College of DuPage; Jeff Ridinger, Illinois State University; Bryan Clark, Illinois Central College
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell;
Members absent: Sandra Engram, Illinois College of Optometry; Lorna Engels
- Minutes officially approved from Oct. 15, 2014. Available on the CARLI website.
- Processing Fees vs. Overdue Fines
- Fines and Fees vary for all libraries. Some will waive all fines and fees while others charge only processing fees for lost books. CARLI will remind schools that processing fees should not take the place of overdue fines. Debbie will run queries to show how many titles reach lost status and what fines libraries are charging their own patrons and UB patrons. Will discuss again after everyone reads her reports.
- Hold Shelf Life
- The hold shelf life for I-Share items is set in the All-All matrix entry?. This also could be used for some local holds. CARLI would like to set the hold length for 14 days. Debbie will check with libraries that use this setting for local holds to see if they will have any problems with the recommended 14 days.
- Annual project
- The proposal for the annual project was submitted to Susan Singleton (Executive Director of CARLI) and Margaret Chambers (Associate Director for Membership and Communications) and there were no responses.
- We will now step forward on developing a new Best Practices for Circulation Documentation of OCLC requests. (I- Share vs. Non-I-Share?).
- We will treat it as a new procedure although it may end up as an update of already existing documentation.
- Sandy asked if a note could be sent out reminding all libraries to property stamp their items. This helps in ILL processing.
- Diane Day reminded us in a recent e-mail of the days for no ILDS deliveries. If your library is closed on other days you e-mail the dates to
- Suzie’s customer service webinar will be Dec. 17, 10-11:30 a.m. It will be recorded so others can watch at a later date.
Tasks assigned:
- Debbie will run queries to show how many titles reach lost status and what fines libraries are charging their own patrons and UB patrons.
- Debbie will look up the Hold Shelf standard and share the information before our next meeting.
- All committee members are asked to write up their work procedures for lending and borrowing for both I-Share and non I-Share. Post them for all of the committee to see. Jeff will collect them together. Keep it simple.
- Everyone needs to check the list of webinar speakers and select two or three from the list. We will discuss more on the selection in a future meeting.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Thursday, Dec 18, 2:30, Conference Call
- Schedule of Resource Sharing Committee Meetings 2014-2015:
- Thursday, January 15, 2:30, Conference Call
- Thursday, February 19, 2:30, Conference Call
- Thursday, March 19, 2:30, Conference Call
- Thursday, April 16, 2:30, Conference Call
- Thursday, May 21, 2:30, Conference Call
- Thursday, June 18, 2:30, Conference Call