Conference Call
Members attending: Kathleen Bloomberg (Illinois State Library), Susan Duncan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Jennifer Funk (McKendree University), Sandra Harris (Olivet Nazarene University), Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), Amanda Pippitt (Millikin University), Deirdre Rawls (Robert Morris University), Jeff Ridinger (Illinois State University)
Members absent: none
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels
Guests: Ted Schwitzner
- Minutes of the 7/23/2013 meeting were approved, with the change of “reserves” to “holds” under Decisions, pt. 4.
- The September discussion topic for ResShare-ig will be Self-Service hold shelves.
- The Spring Open Houses are tentatively set for March or April at the following libraries:
- SIU-C and John A. Logan College;
- NIU and Kishwaukee College.
- The focus of the open houses will be demos and tours (as opposed to lectures or talks).
- The committee needs to familiarize itself on the type of information available before deciding on specific areas to address in a white paper on ebooks.
- The committee decided not to present at the pre-conference on Assessment.
- The meeting adjourned at 3:15 pm.
- All ZDE (Decatur) ILDS location codes have been changed to ZCH (Champaign) and the ILDS FAQ is being updated.
- New member libraries are training in SysAdmin.
Tasks assigned:
- Jeff will draft the September discussion topic and share it on the listserv.
- Lorna will contact the institutions identiified for the Spring Open Houses to verify willingness and availability.
- Regarding the white paper:
- Members will review recent IPED ( and ACRL questionaires and results in regard to e-material.
- Members will try to discover what percentage of their libraries’ collection money is spent on ebooks versus print and share the findings on the committee listserv. If separate numbers for ‘traditional’ books (items which would be made available via I-Share if they were print) versus other e-materials (e.g. reference) please provide them.
- Lorna or Debbie will ask Cathy Salika for a report of the percentage of ebooks versus print books in I-Share collections, and how this is changing over time.
- Amanda will contact David Stern regarding the Assessment presentation.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Conference call, Thursday, October 3, 2013, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
- Schedule of CARLI Resource Sharing Committee meetings: Conference calls on first Thursday of each month, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m., beginning in September and skipping January.
- Planning Lead Times
- Requiring 4 or more months planning
- CARLI systems training
- CARLI committee events (e.g., forums)
- CARLI joint meetings (e.g., committee chairs, liaisons, etc.)
- Requiring 2 or more months planning
- CARLI committee meetings held offsite
- CARLI continuing education “informal” event held at CARLI office (e.g., a hackfest)
- Requiring 1 or more months planning
- CARLI committee meetings held at the CARLI office
- Requiring 1 or more weeks planning
- CARLI committee meetings by conference call only