CARLI Office, Champaign
Members attending: Kathleen Bloomberg (Illinois State Library), Susan Duncan (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Jennifer Funk (McKendree University), Sandra Harris (Olivet Nazarene University), Sarah McHone-Chase (Northern Illinois University), Matt Ostercamp (North Park University), Amanda Pippitt (Millikin University), Jeff Ridinger (Illinois State University)
Members absent: Deirdre Rawls (Robert Morris University)
Staff attending: Debbie Campbell, Lorna Engels, Susan Singleton
Guests: None
- Amanda Pippitt will serve as committee chair in FY14.
- Kathleen Bloomberg will serve a two year term on the committee.
- The committee will meet via conference call on the first Thursday of each month, beginning in September. The conference calls will be scheduled for 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
- No conference call meeting will be held in January.
- Post a monthly discussion topic to the ResShare-ig email list such as how library materials with a “missing” status are handled in each library. The CARLI staff will post the first question in early August. Topics discussed include how library materials with a “missing” status are handled, how damaged materials are handled; and how libraries handle open hold shelves.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:05 p.m.
- Susan Singleton, Executive Director, reported on the committee’s role including addressing resource sharing beyond I-Share and producing something (report, white paper, best practices, etc.) for the board and members.
- CARLI timelines for appropriate lead time must be followed when planning a forum or webinar, etc.
- Recent CARLI office initiatives include the Linux upgrades and designing a consortial e-book project for monographs.
- The print patron driven acquisition project will last another two years.
Tasks assigned:
- Prior to the next meeting, think about a possible white paper topic. Ideas discussed during the meeting include perceptions of E-books by CARLI library patrons and directors; the impact of e-books and serials on consortial resource-sharing statistics.
- Prior to the next meeting, think about a possible webinar. Possible topics include ideas for more resource sharing among I-Share and non-I-Share members and ILLINET borrowing processes.
- Continue discussion of Spring 2014 open houses with associated break out session topics.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines:
- Next Meeting: Conference call, Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m.
- Schedule of CARLI Resource Sharing Committee meetings: Conference calls on first Thursday of each month, 2:00 – 3:30 p.m., beginning in September and skipping January.