CARLI Office, Champaign
Members Attending: Ross Griffiths, Chair, Illinois State University; Bonnie Parr, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library; David Bell, Eastern Illinois University; Cason Snow, Northern Illinois University; Katie Risseeuw, Northwestern University; Lorraine Olley, by phone, University of Saint Mary of the Lake
Members Absent: Julie Wroblewski, Benedictine University
Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Guest: Susan Singleton, CARLI
- Next workshop will be Water Disaster Recovery and Mold Remediation, with more emphasis on the mold aspects and less on disaster recovery.
- Meeting was adjourned at 1 p.m.
- New CARLI website, possibly ready in October.
- New formation of committees and charges – there will be changing groups in the near future, hopefully to create more interdisciplinary collaborations.
- The Illinois Collections Preservation Network (ICPN) has one year left on the grant; so far they’ve done 5 disaster recovery workshops and 4-5 webinars. More is still to come.
- One more person from the PWG is needed for the Digital Preservation Joint Subcommittee with the Digital Collections Users' Group.
Tasks Assigned
- Find out if the ICPN will be offering an Illinois Fire Service Institute Burn and Recovery workshop – Bonnie Parr
- The “Assessment, Legal Issues, and Library Binding” section of the webliography is assigned to Lorraine Olley, leaving the “Disaster” section for Julie Wroblewski.
- Newsletter topics and dates:
- A/V Preservation Appropriate Storage - Katie - September 2012 for October newsletter
- Educating Users, Damage and Budgets - David - October 2012 for November newsletter
- Undecided - Bonnie - November 2012 for December newsletter
- Lighting (curtains/filters/etc.) - Cason - December 2012 for January newsletter
- A/V Preservation Assessment - Katie - January 2013 for February newsletter
- Preservation Week - Lorraine - February 2013 for March newsletter
- Undecided - Julie - March 2013 for April newsletter
- Undecided - Ross - April 2013 for May newsletter
- A/V Standards and Finding a Vendor for Preservation reformatting - Lorraine - May 2013 for June newsletter
- Mold Remediation Program
- To be held during the week of March 18th in the Chicagoland area. Possible locations include St Mary of the Lake (Lorraine), Northwestern (Katie), or IIT (Elizabeth). Space needs to be a lecture space with Internet access. Note people will check to see if space is available and if the space is available for free or if there are costs involved.
- Discussion of who should be invited to speak, including someone with a building management perspective. Are there conservators in the area with expertise? What about hearing from a vendor? Not Midwest Freeze Dry, but perhaps Etherington (if in Indiana)? Getting someone from out of state is not worthwhile if only for a portion of the program. However, depending on availability group will discuss continue to discuss. Ross will speak with his colleague Andrew Huot about a specialist from Emory University. Bonnie will contact as possible speakers or for a panel Jennifer Hain Teper (UIUC) regarding their mold issues that the library had in its Rare Book Room and Manuscript Library and Julie Mosbo (SIUC) regarding the mold issues in their campus Offsite Storage Location. More planning and discussion to come.
- Information on speakers and location need to be determined by our next meeting in October.
- CARLI Blog Quarterly Preservation Posts:
- Weird Things in Books (Aug-Oct), Ross; Most Common Repairs and Damage (Nov-Jan), Katie; Disasters (Feb-April), person not yet selected; Interesting Bookplates and Signatures (May-July), person not yet selected. Ross will ask Julie if she would be interested in writing the entry on disasters.
- Should the group push out information about NEH mini-grants on the website? Yes, we should. How? Undecided.
Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Tentative meeting dates:
- October 22, 9am, VOIP
- December 17, 9am, VOIP
- February 25, 9am, VOIP
- April 29, 10am, in-person CARLI Office
- June 17, 9am, VOIP