Conference Call via AdobeConnect
Members Attending: Anne Buchanan, Saint Xavier University; Sue Franzen, Illinois Central College; Andrew Lenaghan, chair, Joliet Junior College; David Stern, Illinois State University
Members Absent: Jane Currie, Loyola University Chicago; Sean McCarthy, Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago; Leslie Rios, Lincoln Land Community College; Marianne Ryan, Northwestern University, Steven Witt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage
Staff Absent: Jennifer Masciadrelli
- Online Conversations update: As chair, Andrew will reiterate David’s posting explaining the purpose of our online conversations. Hopefully this will lead to new responses among the readers. It was suggested the committee members participate in the threads but it was stressed that the interest must come from the membership and not be forced by the committee members.
- Adobe Connect - Those attending this meeting thought the Adobe format was worth the effort. David was wondering about web cameras and was told bandwidth was the concern. We will be notified before next month’s meeting whether we will be communicating via conference call or Adobe Connect.
- The meeting ended at 12:10 pm.
- Collaboration project with I-Share Instruction Team: Andrew has not heard from the group and will follow up later this week.
- A short discussion occurred concerning the Instruction Working Group’s January Unconference. Since a six month advanced notice is needed for CARLI programs, the planning and scheduling was started before our request to collaborate with the instruction group was made. It is hoped public service topics will be forwarded to our working group.
Tasks Assigned
- Library video project update -Best Practices (BP) document: We viewed the document and should edit it as it is a working document. One area to be addressed is how to deliver the video but at this time the delivery system is not yet known. Once it is, it will be stated. We are interested in generating short videos of 3-4 minutes (200 mb) of a single area in the library. It was thought these videos would be easier to locate. It will be announced in the BP document and in every possible document addressing the project so participants will be aware.
Meeting Dates
Next meeting: January 31, 2013 at 11:30 a.m.