Conference Call
Members Attending: Anne Buchanan, Saint Xavier University; Susan Franzen, Illinois Central College; Andrew Lenaghan, chair, Joliet Junior College; Sean McCarthy, Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago; David Stern, Illinois State University
Members Absent: Jane Currie, Loyola University Chicago; Leslie Rios, Lincoln Land Community College; Marianne Ryan, Northwestern University; Steven Witt, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli
- Andrew presented the proposed agenda for consideration. Two revisions were made: the "Webinar update" item was renamed the "Online conversations" update, and we added a final item: Format of communication for future meetings.
- Format of communication for future meetings: Only one member, M. Ryan, does not have proven AdobeConnect capabilities, and she will not be on the next call. The group decided to test the functionality of the AdobeConnect option for our next meeting. There is a free iPhone and iPad app for the service.
- The meeting was adjorned at 12:20 p.m.
- Promotion of the upcoming online conversations: The fliers were distributed and mention was made of the plans at two meetings, the CARLI Annual Meeting and the ForwardFocus Conference at Illinois Central College.
- Enhancements to three sections of the wiki were made on the Themes for the online converstations.
- Collaboration project with the I-Share Instruction Team: Andrew reported that we have not received a response yet. The Instruction Group meets tomorrow, so we should have a response soon.
- Library Video Project update: No final space has been determined. CARLI is moving to a Drupal platform, and there is a December migration of the Adobe Connect service, so issue remain to be decided about hosting proprietary material and possible cloud hosting options such as a dedicated You Tube channel. The standard should be MP4 format.
Tasks Assigned
- October meeting minutes were distributed online, please review and sign off on the wiki.
- Online Conversations - Logistics for the roll-out:
- Beginning in December, each question will be sent to the CARLI Public Services Interest Group email list as a separate message in order to start specific topic threads
- Jenn will record each thread under the appropriate heading on the project description page once it has been posted.
- Andrew will draft a Best Practices document on Library Videos for our next meeting.
Meeting Dates
Next Meeting: Monday, December 10, 2012. AdobeConnect URL will be distributed closer to the date.