PSWG Meeting: September 19, 2012

Conference Call

Members attending: Sue Franzen, Illinois Central College; Andrew Lenaghan, chair, Joliet Junior College; Sean McCarthy, Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago; Leslie Rios, Lincoln Land Community College; Marianne Ryan, Northwestern University; David Stern, Illinois State University; Steven Witt, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Members absent: Anne Buchanan, St. Xavier University; Jane Currie, Loyola University Chicago

Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli


  • Minutes of August meeting were approved.
  • Meeting minutes will be assigned alphabetically with Sean McCarthy agreeing to take minutes for September. October meetings minutes will be completed by Leslie Rios.
  • The next PSWG meeting will be held via conference call on Friday October, 26th at 11:30 a.m. Elizabeth will work to ensure all members are able to utilize Adobe Connect for future meetings.
  • Further meeting dates will be chosen after all members complete the Doodle poll.
  • PSWG Webinar series via Adobe Connect is tentatively set to be held in the second week of December, with in person meeting to be scheduled in the next calendar year. The webinars are to informal events, while the in-person meeting is to be more formal, structured event.
  • The group will continue to review the CARLI restructuring and submit a response in October.
  • The meeting was adjourned at 12:38 p.m.


  • ICC is holding a event for community colleges on Friday, November 2nd. Sue plans on advertising PSWG offerings at this time.

Tasks assigned

  • Sue will create a flyer for the Webinar series.
  • Andrew will email a draft of the Instruction/Public Services collaboration project in order to solicit input from PSWG members.
  • Jennifer will create a space for the unique spaces videos and work with CARLI technical services to determine the most appropriate video format.
  • Before the Oct 2012 meeting, Steven, David and Andrew will create sample library space videos to include as examples before the group calls for submissions from libraries outside the group.
  • Elizabeth with find out is it is appropriate to advertise PSWG events at the upcoming CARLI Annual Meeting.

Meeting Dates

  • Scheduled Meeting: Friday October 26, 2012 11:30 a.m.
  • Future 2012-2013 PSWG meeting dates will be determined by Doodle poll.