CARLI Office, Champaign, Illinois
Members attending: Anne Buchanan, St. Xavier University (via teleconference); Sue Franzen, Illinois Central College; Andrew Lenaghan, Joliet Junior College; Sean McCarthy, Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago; Leslie Rios, Lincoln Land Community College; Marianne Ryan, Northwestern University; David Stern, Illinois State University; Steven Witt, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Members absent: Jane Currie, Loyola University Chicago
Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Jennifer Masciadrelli (via teleconference)
Guests: Susan Singleton, CARLI Executive Director
- The chair for the working group, 2012-2013 will be Andrew (proposed by Elizabeth and Jen, seconded by David).
- From reviewing past events, it was determined by the group that there should be a multi-faceted event which incorporates an overall online discussion through list serves, a webinar on a particular topic area (1-on-1 reference instruction, user behaviors in libraries (RIT study), reacting to change in budgets and organizational structure at your institution, assessment, reaching adjunct faculty and staff, faculty re-orientation – reaching veteran faculty, and how to create a successful virtual presence) and culminating in a physical conference. The sessions will be led by members of the PSWG and the audience will be recruited from attendees at both of the previous year’s PSWG events.
- The Instruction User Group invited the PSWG to collaborate in an event that would deal with the spaces in our libraries and how they are changing to fit the new patron. The PSWG decided to respond with an inquiry as to how much of the event is already set, and whether or not, they would be willing to incorporate some of their topics into a webinar, or whether we could incorporate some of their topics into their event. Letter to IUG is forthcoming.
- The PSWG decided to create a call for videos from CARLI institutions that would highlight new, or unique spaces in their libraries. This idea came from a charge by Susan Singleton, in an effort to make seeing the physical structures of our libraries a more economical endeavor.
- The PSWG will draft a response to the CARLI restructuring of the working/user groups by October 2012. Draft will contain a response the merging of the IUG and PSWG.
- The schedule for meetings will be set using a doodle account, and the PSWG members will try to utilize the Adobe Connect software for their virtual meetings.
- Susan Singleton announced the restructuring of the working/user groups in CARLI. By consolidating, merging, and removing the titles of working and user, it is the hope of CARLI that the committees will become more inclusive, less hierarchical, and breed more collaboration within the consortium. The structure proposed is still loose and under review. The restructuring will be in place by August of 2013.
- CARLI will be revealing their new website mid-October.
Tasks assigned
- The following members volunteered to lead discussions on the following topics for the conversation/webinar/conference event:
- 1-on-1 reference instruction (Sean and Sue)
- Budgets and organizational structure at your institution (David)
- Assessment (Sue)
- Non-Traditional communities (David)
- Library virtual presence (Sue)
- David volunteered to draft an open letter to all CARLI libraries, asking for videos of their unique space at their libraries.
- Andrew volunteered to draft a letter to the Instruction User Group to respond to their invite of a collaborative project.
Meeting dates
Scheduled Meetings: Tuesday September 11, 2012 9:00am (Adobe Connect test meeting) Wednesday September 19, 2012 11:30am Friday October 26, 2012 11:30am
Other meeting dates will be determined by availability.