Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Jennifer Lau-Bond (Harper College), Ashley McMullin (DePaul University) co-chair, Charity Ringel (University of Illinois Springfield) Gretchen Schneider (Oakton College), Kimberly Shotick (Northern Illinois University), Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago) co-chair, Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
Members absent: Steve Brantley (Eastern Illinois University), Beth Hultman (Elgin Community College), Simone Williams (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
CARLI Staff attending: Denise Green and Elizabeth Clarage
- Minutes of December approved with corrections.
- The committee made final edits on the survey of CARLI Libraries on the roles academic libraries play or will play related to generative AI.
- The survey will ask for person or people involved in AI at their institution to fill out the survey (instead of one person per institution).
- The committee will look over the final version of the survey created and send it out after our next meeting. We will leave the survey open for 3 weeks to give libraries time to fill out the survey and to ensure we will get back the results in time for our March meeting.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Gretchen Schneider.
- Gretchen Schneider will create a blurb explaining the survey for the email being sent.
- Elizabeth Clarage will create the survey from the final draft for the committee.
- Member Announcements:
- Gretchen Schneider (Oakton College): Learning Commons construction began at our Skokie campus.
- Ashley McMullin (DePaul University): The library has hired 12 people bringing up the total new staff to 15 in the library. They are close to being fully staffed since the hiring freeze has been lifted.
- Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago): The Columbia College Faculty Union strike is over.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Please consider attending the New EBSCOhost Demonstration and Open Questions on January 31. Registrations is open.
- The Instruction Committee is hosting Virtual Discussion on Building Relationships with Students on January 31. Registration is open.
- Save the date: Poison in the Stacks? Ongoing research on Heavy Metals in 19th Century Books will be held on April 30.
- The Archives Task Force will be asking libraries to provide samples of their archival administration documents. The Task Force plans to develop a repository of these documents to assist other libraries who plan on developing these types of documents.
- Please consider sharing with their teaching faculty the opportunity to attend a workshop OER Faculty Workshop to learn about open educational resources and equitable course materials on either February 21 or February 29.
- The CARLI E-Book Program is calling for participants. They will be adding a new publisher: UI Press.
- The Committee discussed its ongoing Generative AI project.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The Public Services Committee will next meet on February 7, 2024, at 2 p.m.
Committee Meetings:
February 7, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Kimberly Shotick
March 6, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Arlie Sims
April 3, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Simone Williams
May 1, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Lesley Wolfgang
June 5, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: to be determined