Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Steve Brantley (Eastern Illinois University), Beth Hultman, (Elgin Community College), Jennifer Lau-Bond (Harper College), Kimberly Shotick (Northern Illinois University), Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago) co-chair, Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
Members absent: Ashley McMullin (DePaul University) co-chair, Gretchen Schneider (Oakton College), Simone Williams (Southern Illinois University Edwardsville)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
- Minutes of October 2023 approved with corrections.
- We decided to do an “environmental scan” of what other libraries are doing re: AI
- We talked about conducting a survey to ask 2 or 3 things that libraries contribute or can contribute to this new AI environment.
- We decided to all look at other library websites that look to be doing a good job, share links in BOX, with considerations.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Elizabeth Hultman.
- Member Announcements:
- Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago): Chicago Research Summit went well on Oct.5th.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Recap of last meeting: agreed to look at role of libraries in AI in our institutions.
- Must be clear about boundaries: what to include and exclude
- AI policy development
- How other faculty are using, incorporating, teaching it (ex.trend analysis tools, generative AI for topics, art, etc…)
- How does interest cross disciplines?
- Are libraries licensing AI tools? Turnitin? Cite? Elicit?
- Policy Development: at institutional, department level: wild west currently
- Environmental Scan: find out what the current situation is across libraries to get a better idea via survey.
- What are the ethical issues/critical thinking? Librarians teach ethical/proper use, citing, giving proper credit.
- Dichotomy in GenAI: academic integrity and authentic assessment
- Questions to consider:
- What is the landscape?
- What is our role on the campus?
- What are the top 3-4 things librarians think they can contribute to the AI conversation?
- What does this call on libraries and librarians to do?
- What policies, services, programs are libraries producing or collabing on in relation to AI?
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
The Public Services Committee will next meet on December 6, 2023, at 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
Committee Meetings:
December 6, 2023, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Jennifer Lau-Bond
January 3, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Gretchen Schneider
February 7, 2024, 2:030 – 3:00, Minutes: Kimberly Shotick
March 6, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Arlie Sims
April 3, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Simone Williams
May 1, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: Lesley Wolfgang
June 5, 2024, 2:00 – 3:00, Minutes: to be determined