Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University), Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Chad Kahl, co-chair (Illinois State University), Cynthia Kremer, co-chair (Joliet Junior College), Nestor Osorio, (Northern Illinois University), Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
Members absent: Jessica Bastian (Illinois Central College), Ashley McMullin (DePaul University)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
Discovery Prime VE Task Force Liaison: Christine McClure (DePaul University)
- Minutes from October 20, 2021 meeting were finalized after additional edits.
- Committee will send an email regarding Controlled Digital Lending to the CARLI email lists: Public Services Interest Group and the Collections and Content Group and ask for responses by December 23.
- Text of email will be added to the next CARLI Newsletter.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Chad Kahl.
- Arlie will create a final draft of email and create a Google form to collection responses by the end of the month.
- Cynthia will send the email to the CARLI PubServ-IG and CCG email lists.
- Member Announcements:
- Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University): Provost search is ongoing. Director is retiring at end of year and next steps are unclear.
- Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University): Two Dean search candidates have come for in-person visits in November. New collections and e-resources librarian has started.
- Chad Kahl, (Illinois State University): Three tenure-track librarian positions are underway: Teaching and Learning Librarian; Fine Arts Librarian; and Head of Technical Services.
- Cynthia Kremer, (Joliet Junior College): Working on re-opening the whole library for the spring semester.
- Nestor Osorio, (Northern Illinois University): Ten hours of in-person reference services started roughly three weeks ago at NIU. In general, they are increasing in-person services. Dean is working on the strategic plan document. Committee is working on a library assessment project. Reference and Research Department has submitted a proposal for a small NIU grant on how data literacty can be introduced into the curriculum.
- Arlie Sims (Columbia College Chicago): College Archives is advertising a manuscript archivist position.
- Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing): There was a hospital system-wide meeting about the federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate and impact on the college.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Elizabeth is working on a new CARLI E-Book Page.
- The CARLI OER Committee is offering its 3-week course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources twice in December. Space is still available for the Wednesday sessions.
- The Instruction Committee is hosting a discussion on November 30 for all CARLI members that wish to discuss the article, “Information Privilege and First-Year Students: A case study from a first-year seminar course using access to information as a lens for exploring privilege.” Registration is available on the CARLI calendar.
- Remember to review the CARLI calendar for other continuing education programs.
- Sample email list email draft for Controlled Digital Lending was shared by Kremer and was reviewed by the entire committee.
- Sims suggested capturing the response to the questions in Google forms or something similar. There was a discussion about how to capture responses to the survey questions. Kremer noted there was a discussion at the last meeting about email responses or survey form responses. Clarage noted CARLI can do in SurveyMonkey. Sims will develop final email draft and Google Forms by end of November.
- Committee decided to utilize Google Forms to capture the responses. Clarage asked if conditional logic was possible in Google Forms and Kahl confirmed.
- Kremer asked about timelines. Further discussion decided on December 23.
- Clarage asked about which email lists will be targeted. She suggested Public Services Interest Group (PubServ-ig) and Collections, Content & Eresources Group (ccg) email lists. Green noted that CARLI can assist with the dissemination. Clarage noted it could be in the next CARLI newsletter. There was agreement to do so. Deadline for newsletter submission is December 3.
- Kremer asked about how the content will be shared. Sims will share the Google Sheets that contains the content from the completed Google Forms.
- Clarage suggested that we provide an estimated time to complete the survey.
- Bowers Sharpe suggested that we provide an opportunity for interested respondents to be contacted for additional information. There was general agreement. Clarage asked how we will handle that process. Will we have standard questions? Bowers Sharpe noted that these questions will be informed by the survey respondents. There will not be deadlines noted for this part of the project.
- Bowers Sharpe suggested that we consider releasing the survey on IACRL listservs as well. Committee decided to stick with just the CARLI email lists and newsletter.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Next Committee Meeting: December 15, 2021 at 12:30 to 2:00 pm
Future Committee Meetings:
January 19, 2022
February 16, 2022
March 16, 2022
April 20, 2022
May 18, 2022
June 15, 2022