Conference Call / Zoom
Members attending: Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University), Jessica Bastian (Illinois Central College), Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Nestor Osorio, co-chair (Northern Illinois University)
Members absent: Cynthia Kremer (Joliet Junior College), Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
Board Liaisons: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Rob Morrison (National-Louis University)
- Minutes were approved with suggested changes from Clarage.
- December meeting has been moved from 12/28 to 12/7 from noon to 1:00 pm.
- Member Announcements:
- Harwig (College of DuPage): Spring classes are similar to fall with labs being in-person. He’ll work from home at least into May.
- Sharpe (Western Illinois University): WIU Library is still open, but students will be totally online after Thanksgiving. There will be no spring break in 2021. Classes will be online if possible. Campus publicity for mask enforcement has increased.
- Kahl (Illinois State University): Milner Library is re-opening for finals week and week before. Library is still discussing Spring plans.
- Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University): Assume spring plans will continue. Campus is still open, but limited access to the library. Mask enforcement is not uniform across campus.
- Osorio (Northern Illinois University): It is status quo at NIU. Spring semester will be similar to fall semester. Discussion about impact on annual evaluation is occurring.
- Bastian (Illinois Central College): ICC is stable. Most classes are online with exception of clinicals and labs; same will happen for the spring. ICC will turn off I-Share requests from Thanksgiving through start of spring semester.
- CARLI Announcements:
- “Alma & Primo VE Open Office Hours” – November 12 and December 10
- To connect to the Office Hours webinar via a web browser:
- Meeting ID: 950 6441 6087 | password: 988070
- To connect to the Office Hours webinar via phone: 1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) | Meeting ID: 950 6441 6087 | password: 988070
- “Let's talk about Fulfillment (I mean Alma, not life's purpose)” Series
- Notes available for past sessions:
- Friday, 10/16/2020
- Tuesday 10/20/2020
- Future events:
- Friday, 10/30/2020 2-3:30pm
- Thursday, 11/5/2020 2-3:30pm
- Tuesday, 11/10/2020 9-10:30am
- Monday, 11/23/2020 2-3:30pm
- Friday, 12/04/2020 2-3:30pm
- Tuesday, 12/08/2020 9-10:30am
- Thursday, 12/17/2020 3-4:30pm
- Tuesday, 12/22/2020 10-11:30am
- These sessions will be recorded for CARLI staff use only; since Fulfillment involves patron data, the CARLI office will evaluate if it is fitting and valuable to post segments of the session for later review.
- October 30: Voyager systems, library catalogs derived from Voyager, and SFX will be shut down.
- Based on requests, bibliographic records and local data can be exported by CARLI staff.
- All Voyager data can be exported but that requires far more CARLI staff time.
- CARLI Annual Meeting: November 13:
- Instruction Committee
- OER Committee
- Virtual Course: Understanding and Promoting Open Educational Resources – three sessions. Keep them small to keep community.
- Synchronous & Asynchronous
- Offered 2x in December – register by November 18
- Live Sessions:
- December 2, 9, 16 @ 1-2:15pm
- December 3, 10, 17 @ 11-12:15pm
- Resource Sharing Committee
- Professional Development Alliance (PDA) Programs:
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Chad Kahl.
- Bastian and Archer-Helke will create the committee’s recorded presentation for the virtual CARLI Annual Meeting.
- By November 9: All committee members should provide any comments on the draft document regarding the committee review.
- December meeting has been moved from 12/28 to 12/7 from noon to 1:00 pm.
- Committee was invited to give a five-minute presentation the CARLI annual meeting on November 13. Bastian and Archer-Helke volunteered to develop a presentation. They met with Clarage to discuss the presentation. It will include information from the annual report. Committee members were invited to participate in the 1:00 pm Zoom meeting about the presentation.
- PSC Annual Project for 2020-2021: Reinvisioning/Reevaluating our Role in CARLI (Internal Review)
- Important Dates
- All Committee Chairs Meeting: Tuesday, October 27, 2020
- Initial Report Due: Tuesday, December 1, 2020
- Final Report Due: Monday, March 1, 2021
- Osorio noted he had updated the document with information, primarily from FY20. He suggested committee members include information on how the projects relate to the charge of the committee and the CARLI Statement of Values in the Recommendations section. He also remarked about the section about diversity in composition of the committee and suggested connecting it to CARLI EDI efforts.
- Clarage asked if we need to have a draft available by 12/1, what is needed from the committee? Osorio said we should continue to work in the draft document. Harwig noted we have to have a draft completed in time for November meeting because committee’s December meeting happens after the deadline.
- Clarage suggests moving Recommendations to the start of the document. There was agreement to do so.
- Clarage and Morrison suggested discussing future work of the committee. There was general agreement.
- Comments from committee members should be done by November 9.
- Concern was expressed over confusion between text that is official language from CARLI as opposed to committee member comments.
- Resource Sharing Committee offered an informal discussion this past Friday about current challenges. Does this committee want to do the same? Bastian suggested focusing on the rollout of Primo VE since the spring presentation was focused on getting ready for Primo VE, perhaps focusing on usability testing. Instruction Committee has put out a call for instruction-related use of Primo VE.
Bastian noted an ELUNA presentation on usability testing by Primo VE existing users.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Committee Meetings: November 23, 2020, 12:00 to 1:00 pm CST
Deadlines: November 9, 2020 – Comments from committee members due for the Reinvisioning/Reevaluating our Role in CARLI document for the Committee.