Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University), Jessica Bastian (Illinois Central College), Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Cynthia Kremer (Joliet Junior College), Nestor Osorio, co-chair (Northern Illinois University), Cory Stevens (Lake Forest College), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Anne Craig, Denise Green
Board Liaisons: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), Rob Morrison (National Louis University)
- Members decided to keep the meetings to an hour and will determine a consistent meeting date for the Committee (see Tasks Assigned).
- Members will contribute ideas for the 2020-21 Annual Project to the newly-created Box folder.
- The 2019-20 Annual Project is completed.
- Member Announcements:
- Aaron (College of DuPage) – Library building closed for foreseeable future. Library is offering Grab & Go Pickup Service.
- Jessica (Illinois Central College) – Library services similar to COD. Chat service at all-time high.
- Chad (Illinois State University) – Campus & Library are open. Library hours reduced, 70% reduction in library seating. Online pickup service offered.
- Cynthia (Joliet Junior College) – Library opened August 3. Almost entire library off-limits, but computer lab is open.
- Cory (Lake Forest College) – Classes are 100% online. Almost all library services are virtual.
- Nestor (Northern Illinois University) – Library services similar to others, limited to 76 users (NIU ID required). Gwen Gregory named Associate Dean, Collections Management.
- Lesley (Saint John’s College of Nursing) – All classes are online except clinicals. More students are now in library because they can’t physically access the college.
- Caitlin (Saint Xavier University) – Library has been open since June 29. Classes largely in person with some hybrid. Difficulty in enforcing mask policies.
- Krista (Western Illinois University) – Shortened library hours. Library open to those with university ID. Community members need appointments to access library. Doing as much online as possible, including Reference.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Anne – In “dust settling” mode from Alma/Primo VE transition. In-person CARLI events cancelled for foreseeable future. Annual Meeting will be virtual. Invitation to give input on proposal for ending fines and processing fees.
- Denise – Check CARLI calendar for virtual events including those from the Professional Development Alliance and Alma/Primo VE office hours.
- Elizabeth – New CARLI Ebook Collection includes Wiley Online Books (2017-on), Oxford Scholarship Online with Oxford University Press (2018-on), and University Press Scholarship Online (all content from 18 university presses). Usage stats will be shared w/institutions. In July 2021 CARLI will purchase titles based upon usage and members will have the option to purchase consortial perpetual access for most used titles at CARLI negotiated consortial rates.
Tasks Assigned
- Aaron took minutes.
- Everyone will send conflicts for meeting times and dates to Elizabeth and Denise by Tuesday, August 25.
- Elizabeth will send Committee poll for meeting times and dates.
- Elizabeth will create Box folder for 2020-21 Annual Project and send invites to Committee.
- Committee discussed setting a date and time for meeting for the year as well as whether or not to expand the meeting from an hour to an hour and a half.
- Committee discussed CARLI charge, parameters, and timeframe for 2020-21 Annual Project (Reinvisioning & Evaluating Our Committee Role)
- General things to consider:
- What are the needs of the organization (CARLI)?
- Where is there overlap or gaps with current committee structure?
- Should the Public Services Committee continue, split, merge, or cease?Anne: How does PSC fit in the big picture?
- Elizabeth: Look at Committee’s charge and what have we done in the past to meet that charge?
- Rob: What is our purpose? What does CARLI need from us?
- Aaron: Noted issues of equity, social justice, diversity, inclusion brought up at July CARLI All-Committee Kickoff and how best to include those issues in providing services to our community.
- Committee discussed status and the conclusion of 2019-20 Annual Project.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
Committee Meetings: TBD
- Send conflicts for meeting times and dates to Elizabeth: Tuesday, August 25, 2020
- 2020-2021 CARLI Annual Project:
- Chairs Meeting to Review Committees’ Project: October/November
- Initial Report Due for CARLI Board of Directors Review: December 1, 2020
- Final Plan Presented for Approval, March 2021 CARLI Board Meeting: March 1, 2021