Zoom / Conference Call
Members attending: Caitlin Archer-Helke (Saint Xavier University), Jessica Bastian (Illinois Central College), Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Cynthia Kremer (Joliet Junior College), Nestor Osorio, co-chair (Northern Illinois University)
Members absent: Elizabeth Sterner (Governors State University), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
CARLI Staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage, Denise Green
Board Liason: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College)
- Krista Bowers Sharpe was minute taker.
- March minutes approved with Elizabeth C.’s changes.
- The Event Planning subcommittee was disbanded after a successful event.
- The Committee will continue with the end-of-year timeline previously decided for its Annual Report and Annual Project.
- The meeting adjourned at 10:57am.
Tasks Assigned
- All committee members should send Elizabeth and Denise an email regarding their service on the 2020-2021 Public Service Committee.
- All committee members will work on the Annual Project documents in Box to complete a draft by May 15 for review at the May 20 committee meeting.
- The co-chairs and staff liaisons will work on a draft for the Annual Report.
- Member Announcements:
- College of DuPage working from home through May 15; may be extended. Going to have virtual commencement.
- Joliet Junior College is working from home and online only in summer; graduation postponed to August.
- Saint Xavier still not completely settled. Online classes through this term and probably through summer; commencement postponed. The campus building which houses the library is fully closed for the public but is open four hours a day for printing, etc.
- The NIU library building is closed, but the dean is beginning a conversation about next steps; special LibGuide for services during COVID, including book paging.
- WIU classes fully online through spring and will be in summer. The library building is closed but offering online services and a LibGuide for extra publisher offers during COVID. Spring commencement cancelled.
- Illinois Central College online through spring; summer classes not yet determined; spring commencement is virtual. Library has created a LibGuide for services and free resources; manning chat for library as well as training other divisions to use it.
- The Waubonsee Community College commencement is cancelled.
- ISU also closed through end of semester and online in summer; beginning talks about partially opening the library building—what would it look like? Just one floor’s worth? Considered book paging. Considering making December commencement the ceremony for all of 2020.
- It was noted by a committee member that they followed what other state universities were doing and mentioned that UIUC was doing book paging, then stopped, but may resume; EIU and SIUC’s library buildings are partially open.
- CARLI Announcements:
- CARLI has made available recordings from continuing education programs.
- All events are online through at least April 30; some later ones have also been moved online already.
- CARLI Deadlines:
- CARLI Board approved the recommendation that OER Task Force become a committee as of July 1.
- Alma/Primo VE: CARLI website has a comprehensive list of deadlines: next date is bulk loads & fiscal year rollover; May 1 is tech freeze; Denise working on link resolvers and getting data extracted and loaded; big transition in June. CARLI staff working from home on process seems to be going fine.
- CARLI Board approved consortial ebook program. A license is now completed with Wiley, and CARLI is working on a license with OUP. More will come out later.
- Committee structure: CARLI is suspending the call for members for this coming year. Re-evaluation of committees within CARLI since much of the structure has been tied to systems such as the catalog and link resolver, and we’re changing to new systems. Current members will be asked to continue serving one more year. Regardless of where you are in your committee term, let Denise & Elizabeth know if you cannot carry on. Recommendation will be made for future structure: current committees to continue, cease, combine, or split. All members should think about the future of this committee.
- Annual Project
- Subcommittees
- Event committee: Getting Ready for Primo VE went off well. Registration was 286 (306 but some cancelations); 80- I-Share libraries represented. Evaluation sent out and good return rate; open through Friday. Very good comments. Subcommittee now disbanded.
- Creating User Guides/Tutorials: hopefully some document will also come out of the process. The group will meet again April 22.
- UserX/Usability had a very brief meeting prior to GRFPVE. The group will meet again April 24.
- Deadline for annual project: The committee decided to stick with May 15, use the May 20 meeting for discussion and editing, then submit it prior to May 30.
- Content for Annual Project: Summary of Getting Ready for Primo VE and reports and documents (if any) from user guides and usability subcommittees. Include some comments for GRFPVE event. Examples of past Annual Projects:
- Annual Report
- Committee activity/membership: Aaron, Nestor & CARLI staff. As opposed to Project, Report is more an overview of the committee work for the year with commentary on everything. It can link out to project documents. Again, let’s include some comments from GRFPVE participants.
- Discussion of creation and purpose (typically by Committee co-chairs and CARLI staff liaisons).
- Examples of past Annual Reports:
Next Meeting Dates and Deadline
User Experience/Usability: Friday, April 24, 2020, 1:00 – 2:00pm, via Zoom
User Guides/Tutorials: Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 11:00am – 12:00pm, via Zoom
Public Service Committee: Wednesday, May 20, 2020, 10:00 – 11:00am, via Zoom
Annual Project draft: May 15, 2020.
Annual Project and Annual Report due date: May 29, 2020