Milner Library, Illinois State University
Members attending: Krista Bowers Sharpe (Western Illinois University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Nestor Osorio, co-chair (Northern Illinois University) (by phone), Katherine Sleyko (Prairie State College), Elizabeth Sterner (Governors State University) (by phone), Joanna Wilkinson (North Park University), Reina Williams (Rush University) (by phone), Lesley Wolfgang (Saint John's College of Nursing)
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage (by phone), Denise Green, Anne Craig
Board Liaisons attending: Spencer Brayton (Waubonsee Community College), John Small (North Central College)
- Committee will use Box for Annual Project collaborative work.
- Committee will break into smaller subcommittees to work on a variety of projects.
- Customization of Primo VE interface and different options that people can do with that.
- Creating user guides/tutorials/scripts on how to use the interface, depending on audience. The go live date for the new system is June 24, 2020. The majority users being faculty and staff. Create initial resources then individual schools could create their own student-focused one from that resource. Exploring use of guides.
- Krista
- Elizabeth Sterner
- Nestor
- Joanna
- Literature review and research
- User experience and usability testing
- Aaron
- Chad
- Katie
- Elizabeth Sterner
- In person training. Find a centralized location, figure out dates in February, March, April (Spring Break). Identify that early. Denise and Elizabeth can start looking at logistics for that tentative event.
- Committee chairs will share our subcommittee ideas with the Instruction Committee giving them the options to partner.
- Member Announcements:
- Krista: WIU turned in configuration form.
- Chad: ISU turned in configuration form. They are initiating a dean search, hoping to get job announcement out soon. The Library has therapy dogs during finals week.
- Nestor: NIU has an opening for an education librarian, tenure track position. The library is going through process of integrating writing center and tutoring services to all be in one place.
- Katherine: There are sloths (Eve and Steve) who come in for May finals at Prairie State College.
- IG@ NCCLIBRARYLUCY for library cat at North Central College.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Anne:
- CARLI recognizes how much work it is for libraries to work on the Alma configuration forms. It is not a trivial migration. Alma is a new product engineered in a different way.
- CARLI will soon release applications for second cohort for CARLI Counts.
- ISchool CARLI Job Fair (first ever) is November 14. CARLI members don’t need to have open jobs to have a table, come to talk about your organization and why your place is a good place to work.
- CARLI annual meeting is November 15. The Meeting is at I Hotel in Champaign.
- You can still sign up for September 25 Midlevel Leaders Program. This program is for staff members across the consortium who aspire to be deans and directors one day.
- Elizabeth: We have a new staff member, Nicole Ream-Sotomayor working with electronic resources starting next week. Instruction Committee has made formal request to work with us this year on their project.
- Denise: Wrapped up in Alma migration.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Joanna Wilkinson. Committee members are taking turns based on alphabetical order of institution.
- Elizabeth will create the Box folder for the committee and a folder for each project.
- Everyone go to Box and explore the test folder.
- Nestor and Aaron will share our working groups with Instruction Committee. Subcommittees will wait to create goals until we hear back from them.
- Everyone watch 2-hour Primo VE certification training by next meeting (don’t need to verify certification, just need to watch content). Denise recommends watching these two introductions:
- Denise will get log in for ELUNA to share with committee.
- CARLI liaisons explained the Instruction Committee wanted to collaborate with the Public Services Committee. Debbie Campbell and Lorna Engels, as the staff liaisons to the Instruction Committee, sent a formal request on behalf of their committee as they believe there is a great interest on doing things relating to Primo VE they have identified. The Instruction Committee is interested in our ideas from meeting minutes last month.
- Liaisons thought there is some value in Primo VE Ex Libris Certification Training and we should look at documentation to start at the same point.
- We should set up small working groups 2-3 members from each committee to work on topics. If one committee isn’t interested, we can keep group at 2-3 people.
- John noted that to make any changes in Primo VE you have to be certified. Not everyone should be on this level. At North Central College, they changed everything then went back because wanted to play with it and make decisions they never would have made. It made them realize how strongly people feel and they do not agree. There is a lot of content you can select and it is important to limit.
- YOU HAVE TO SIGN IN to see great results. It doesn’t show you everything right away because it doesn’t know who you are. When you are signed in, you see different things.
- Certification doesn’t make you a power searcher, it is just so you know where the things are so you can make changes. He recommends everyone in this group to get certification. You need to be able to see the adjustments that can be made. The head of tech services and access services will know which changes are possible.
- Katie and Lesley’s institutions don’t use I-Share. They can offer views outside of I-Share for literature review or usability testing. They may move to I-Share after migration.
- Denise recommends literature review to identify best practices for discovery system. Way to search electronic resources, commercial etc. It is better to go to native interfaces of databases versus using a discovery product. Paying so much for discovery services!
- CARLI will no longer be supporting non Primo VE discovery services. If an institution wants to use a 3rd party discovery product they need to maintain themselves. Patrons need to use Primo VE to request physical materials.
- Reina wanted to know if Ebsco databases will be searchable in Primo.
- Denise said API for Ebsco host so you can set it up as a search profile. They don’t play well together and any API type searching is not the same as using native interface. However, it is possible.
- John had no problems with Ebsco databases in Primo VE during their Vanguard phase.
- Explore/test Primo VE vs Ebsco databases results.
- Creating tutorials:
- John commented that everyone has common needs then individual needs. Common examples are basic usability instruction through brief video, webpages, lib guide and logging in to have the best experience.
- Nestor suggested creating tutorials for first time use. For example, how to use discovery service. How to create an account.
- Reina suggested developing a script. While the customization won’t look the same at every institution, a script with best practices and recommendations for individual institutions to customize for their own users would be helpful. Create a model because not every library will use the same presentation, but they will use the information.
- Denise noted the timing would be great for June 2020. It means that libraries would have the summer to work on instructional materials and customize if desired.
- Nester recommended we make summaries of articles for literature review.
- Krista suggested after completing the Primo VE certification training to identify low hanging fruit for scripts we need to create. How much detail can we present at the annual meeting?
- Denise noted the Alma training was more for library staff and the Primo VE would affect the display.
- Elizabeth C. recommended to look at conference presentations in addition to a traditional literature search. ELUNA has large archives of meeting presentations which are aimed at library staff not public interfaces.
- Aaron thinks that students don’t make full use of resources because librarians and staff don’t grasp how to get full potential. Can we get our hands around that to see everything you can do it to transfer to staff then to students?
- Denise highlights the example of “known item searches” that don’t result in what you are looking for. How would typical reference librarian explain results? In results, you can say what you aren’t searching. Available on shelf aka available. Clustering of editions and versions. How they give things top relevance.
- Half the I-Share institutions aren’t using a Discovery Layer and we won’t know the logistics in requesting books from I-Share schools until January or February.
- Aaron wants to make sure we aren’t duplicating efforts of other committee but rather create synergies. There is a lot of overlap with Public Services
- Collection Management Committee: no specific ALMA Primo VE project. After implementation, they will look at analytics.
- Preservation committee: no specific ALMA Primo VE project.
- Technical Services Committee: looking internal, how to train from catalog especially for library staff.
- Reina is concerned about mechanisms to share information. This is a huge concern for CARLI as well. This is an opportunity for us to bring people together in a centralized location.
- John suggests we have Nestor and Aaron talk to chairs of Instruction to see what their goals are. Official end of the project is due May 29 and goals can be multiyear.
- Committee decided on 5 sub committees and members volunteered for projects (see in Decisions).
- For the Annual Meeting, the CARLI liaisons reviewed how proposals are submitted. CARLI chairs create a paragraph around 5 minutes each. They are supposed to put together a one pager that highlights the project. Presentation at annual meeting is about last year’s project. [Learned after the PSC meeting that presentations will be on this year’s project.] We will address both at the annual meeting this year.
Next Meeting Dates and deadlines
Next meeting is October 16, 2019 from 10-11am via conference call.
Call-in Option:
+1 888 983 3631 (toll free)
+1 217 332 6338 (local Champaign-Urbana number)
+1 312 994 8410 (local Chicago number)
Conference ID: 31425605
If you prefer to join via VOIP on your computer, please use:
Conference call schedule for the committee:
October 16, 2019, 10-11 a.m.
November 20, 2019, 10-11 a.m.
December 18, 2019, 10-11 a.m.
January 15, 2020, 10-11 a.m.
February 19, 2020, 10-11 a.m.
March 18, 2020, 10-11 a.m.
April 15, 2020, 10-11 a.m.
May 20, 2020, 10-11 a.m.
June 17, 2020, 10-11 a.m.
Connection Information for the remaining committee conference calls to be determined.
CARLI Annual Project Proposals: by October 31, 2019
CARLI Annual Meeting: November 15, 2019
Annual Report and Projects: May 29, 2019