Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members attending: Rachel Bicicchi (Millikin University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Nester Osorio (Northern Illinois University), Katherine Sleyko (Prairie State College)
Members absent: Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Joanna Kolendo, co-chair (Chicago State University), Reina Williams (Rush University)
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
- Revised Version of the April 4 minutes were accepted
- Member Announcements:
- Aaron – COD has three finalists in their Presidential search, one of whom is the interim President. There are open forums being held next week.
- Katie – Prairie State College is having sloths in the library on May 15th for final exam stress relief.
- CARLI Announcement:
- The Preservation Committee is hosting an Open House on June 7 at Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and the Illinois State Military Museum.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Rachel.
- Elizabeth is running Adobe Connect.
- Everyone - Final edits to documents need to be made in Google Drive by May 10th.
- Elizabeth and Denise – Have draft of website ready for review by committee on May 22nd.
- Annual Project – Due May 31st.
- We discussed the possible webpage formats and chose “blinds” over page links.
- We discussed the sections in the order they will appear on the website and reviewed the comments that Chad, Rachel, and Aaron had made.
- Discussion of whether we need the Library Professional standards page, or should just link to ALA. We decided to keep this page, as it identifies the standards that are directly relevant to this project, and also adds standards from the Medical Library Association.
- Can we add the book cover images to the books pages? Nestor will check on the rules for book covers.
- Nestor reviewed the status of the copyright requests. We are still missing clearance for one item from Emerald Publishing and are waiting to hear back from Taylor and Francis from another. T&F want $108 to reproduce their item. Nestor is attempting to explain the project to them and push back on the fee.
- We discussed what to do if we do not receive clearance for these last two items in time – decided we will do a description without providing the actual instrument if necessary.
- Nestor will need to send the copyright permissions to Elizabeth. We should also add a statement to the Appendix that indicates the items were reproduced with permission, and readers can contact CARLI for additional information.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Committee meeting: Thursday, June 6, 2019, 2:00-3:00pm CDT by phone.
- Deadlines: Committee members complete final review of the documents by May 10. Elizabeth and Denise have website draft ready by May 22. Final project due May 31.