Conference Call / Adobe Connect
Members attending: Rachel Bicicchi (Millikin University), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Joanna Kolendo, co-chair (Chicago State University), Nester Osorio (Northern Illinois University), Reina Williams (Rush University)
Members absent: Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Katherine Sleyko (Prairie State College)
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
- Revised version of the March 7th minutes were accepted.
- Member Announcements:
- Rachel – President plans to retire at end of fiscal year 2020. Search Committee has been seated by the Millikin University Board of Trustees.
- Nestor – NIU has a new Provost, Dr. Beth Fisher Ingram.
- CARLI Announcements:
- Noted registration is coming for two programs: OER Workshop at Loyola University Chicago on April 29 and Choosing and Constructing Protective Enclosures for Library Materials (Preservation Workshop) at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum on May 8.
- CARLI migration to Alma – Last week, a number of CARLI staff visited Northwestern University because they have migrated to Alma previously. It was very helpful. Project is moving forward with the vanguard group of five libraries. Tentative timeline is for it to occur in 2020. Weekly Alma and Primo VE Project Updates is at
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Chad, Illinois State University.
- Elizabeth is running Adobe Connect.
- Everyone – Review, add to, and edit project files before next meeting (Thursday, May 2).
- Change is Good: You Go First! Leading Others To and Through Change Forum occurred on April 2nd (
- Presentations were very good.
- Kevin O’Connor (Loyola University Chicago) commented “If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu.”
- Joan Schuitema (Northeastern Illinois University) mentioned things change but people transition. Often more resistance for the latter than the former.
- CARLI members will be able to access presentations that were shared.
- Speakers sponsored by this committee did a very good job—Erika Wade Smith, Geoff Morse, and Niamh McGuigan. Elizabeth Clarage thought that public services staff now are much more aware of what’s in the catalog, due to how the Alma transition will affect things, especially with all the layers. Both Loyola University Chicago and Northwestern University were pleased with their transition.
- Thanks to Aaron for introducing the speakers.
- Annual project – due Friday, May 31
- “2018-2019 PSC Annual Project” is on Google Drive
- Nestor sent a report with copyright permissions via email right before the meeting.
- There are twenty instruments—copyright permission was sought for their use. Ten were at from NIU Libraries, Assessment Group, which made it easier—still waiting to hear back from their dean. He is asking for permission on behalf of CARLI. Nestor reviewed who has already granted permission.
- The documents, with their permissions noted, will be shared through the CARLI web site.
- Elizabeth noted the huge amount of work that Nestor has done. She reiterated the need for the committee members to take a look and possibly include their own assessment tools. All committee members need to be comfortable with what’s included. There was agreement among the committee members.
- Rachel said she did some tweaking.
- Nestor noted the need to be selective.
- Elizabeth said it was challenging to keep track of what has been added to recently. Others noted “Possible Annual Projects” is no longer being updated.
- Aaron noted a recent meeting of him and Joanna, Elizabeth, and Denise on the form of the final project. It could be posted on CARLI web site, but not accessible to the non-CARLI public. Nestor noted one of the publishers was interested in where this information will be made available. Aaron noted a white paper is another option. A white paper may not be as easily found by search engine crawlers than a web site. Nestor said that it would be open access when he sought permissions. There was general agreement that a web page would be more useful.
- Elizabeth suggested considering an editing of the list of books, because tables of content are often available through linking. Nestor thinks we should keep them because it allows for easier browsing—Rachel and Aaron agreed.
- Reina asked about a deadline for adding content. Aaron suggested that we try to be done with additions by next meeting. Elizabeth said that would work for CARLI. The Committee agreed.
- Reina asked about the project index file. Nestor answered that it would serve as the introduction and table of content. Elizabeth asked if this is what would turn into the web page. There was agreement.
- Reina wasn’t sure which files are the working documents? Many agreed. Aaron noted that “Research on One Service Point in Libraries” was from last year’s committee. Elizabeth suggested the Committee review the list of files to clearly note what’s current. We completed the review.
- Reina asked about the “Library Professional Standards” document. Is it okay to add stuff from Medical Library Association? Nestor responded affirmatively, since it’s a professional standard.
Next Meeting Dates and Deadlines
- Committee meetings: Thursday, May 2, 2019, 2:00-3:00pm CDT by phone
- Deadlines: Review “2018-2019 PSC Annual Project” by April 30, 2019