Conference Call
Members attending: Rachel Bicicchi (Millikin University), Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), Aaron Harwig, co-chair (College of DuPage), Chad Kahl (Illinois State University), Joanna Kolendo, co-chair (Chicago State University), Nester Osorio (Northern Illinois University), Katherine Sleyko (Prairie State College), Nancy Weichert (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Member absent: Reina Williams (Rush University)
CARLI staff attending: Elizabeth Clarage
- August minutes approved with minor changes, which Elizabeth will make.
- Elizabeth will create a Doodle Poll which will serve as a means for establishing a date for our in-person meeting in October.
- Aaron and Joanna volunteered to present on last year’s Annual Project at the upcoming Annual CARLI Meeting.
- Member Announcements
- Marissa informed the Committee that SIU is moving forward with hiring a tenure-track Cataloger and Metadata Librarian.
- Joanna reported that CSU will be hiring a tenure-track Access Services Librarian.
- At Millikin University, Raquel has been appointed part-time as the Director of Online Learning. A part-time librarian will be hired to take over a portion of Raquel’s reference and instruction workload.
- Aaron reminded the Committee that COD will be teaming up with the College of Lake County to present at the Community College Open Electronic Resources Summit, which will take place on Friday, November 30th from 9 to 4. Registration opens up on September 19th. Currently, only community colleges—faculty, staff, and librarians—have been invited to participate in the Summit. Elizabeth asked if the Summit will eventually be open to the larger education community, but there was no clear answer to the question.
- CARLI Announcements
- CARLI was awarded a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to help investigate library staff using data-driven evidence to support student retention and graduation. Training cohorts will be picked for 2019 and 2020, but there is no information about that as of yet. More information about the grant and participation is to come.
- The I-Share Next proposal is moving along.
Tasks Assigned
- Minutes taken by Joanna Kolendo.
- Joanna and Aaron will present at the CARLI Annual Meeting about last year’s open houses.
- Denise and Elizabeth will draft a one pager about last year’s Annual Project, which will be reviewed by the Committee.
- Elizabeth will communicate with the Technical Services Committee and obtain more information about a potential collaboration between our two committees.
- Elizabeth will create a Doodle Pool to select a date for the in-person Committee meeting.
- Presenting at the CARLI Annual Meeting
- Anne Craig e-mailed the co-chairs of the Committee inviting someone to present a short talk, around 8 minutes, at the upcoming Annual Meeting. Last year, Anne-Marie and Sue presented on Maker Space resources and presentations. There was a call to see if anyone wanted to volunteer to present at this year’s meeting. Aaron and Joanna volunteered to do so. Elizabeth suggested that slides be created and a pre-presentation given in Adobe Connect, so that the Committee can provide feedback, making sure all of the important information is included in the presentation.
- One pager
- A one-page Annual Project summary is due on Monday, October 22nd.
- Denise and Elizabeth will draft the one pager about last year project, and the Committee will review it at the next meeting.
- Collaboration invitation
- The CARLI Technical Services Committee invited the Committee to collaborate on a managing change forum. They want to have a spring program, and the morning programs would talk about change conceptually and the afternoon programs would consist of break-out sessions that are topical within the library, so this Committee would deal with change management in the public services sphere. The afternoon sessions would consist of either presentations or table talks. The Technical Services Committee is currently trying to figure out who would be interested. The Public Services Committee was interested in the topic and in collaboration whether this would turn into an annual project or not. Elizabeth will go back to the Technical Services Committee to inform them that we are interested in collaborating and to obtain more details about what the Technical Services Group is expecting from us.
- Possible Items for Our Annual Project
- Nancy suggested student employment as a possible topic for the Annual Project. This topic has not yet been addressed by the Committee.
- Chad introduced another idea the challenge of dealing with large legacy collections and the change needed to free up space for other collections. Elizabeth suggested that this be modified to include space management/change, not just collections.
- Rachel stated that the two ideas of student employment and change may be combined. Raquel suggested that change can be addressed in the way new spaces are used and new ways students are staffing these spaces, such as peer to peer staffing at the circulation and/or reference desks. Additionally, we might want to look at the way students are trained and whether or not that is done by HR professionals. Furthermore, we might want to look at how training impacts student retention and employment and their interest in becoming librarians. This might go hand in hand with the grant CARLI obtained on student retention.
- It was established that we need to have a topic picked out by the end of October, as a report is due on May 31st to the CARLI Board. We also need to figure out how to structure the project and what we want the end project/product to be.
- Dates and Times for the in-person meeting
- The Committee needs to select a date for an in-person meeting. Elizabeth will create a Doodle poll with Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from October 2nd to November 1st as potential options for the in-person meeting. The meeting will be in CARLI’s Champaign office because it is the mid-point for the Committee members.
Next meeting
Next meeting date: Friday, October 12th 10:00am - 3:00pm (in-person meeting)