Conference Call
Members Attending: Rachel Bicicchi (Millikin University); Anne-Marie Eggleston Green (Kishwaukee College); Susan Franzen, co-chair (Illinois State University); Aaron Harwig (College of DuPage); Nester Osorio (Northern Illinois University); Cory Stevens, co-chair (Lake Forest College); Nancy Weichert (University of Illinois at Springfield)
Members Absent: Marissa Ellermann (Southern Illinois University Carbondale); Joanna Kolendo (Chicago State University)
CARLI Staff Attending: Elizabeth Clarage; Denise Green
- CARLI Announcements:
- Deadlines are approaching for several upcoming CARLI programs. Open Textbook Network Train-the-Trainers workshops will take place on April 23, 24, and 26 – deadline to register is Sunday, April 8. The ACRL Scholarly Communications Roadshow will be held on Friday, May 4, with registration closing on Wednesday, April 4. CARLI is collaborating with Illinois State University and Illinois Wesleyan University to hold the Engaging with the ACRL Framework Workshop on Monday, May 14. A Burn Simulation workshop, hosted by the CARLI Preservation Committee, takes place on Wednesday, June 13. Finally, the CARLI Annual Meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 2.
- Member library announcements:
- Nestor noted that ILA elections are open, and that Nestor is a candidate for IACRL VP/President-Elect. There is no additional fee to join IACRL if you are already an ILA member.
- Open Houses:
- The March 15 Open House at Millikin University went well. The panel discussion on collaboration was particularly well received. Committee members Rachel Bicicchi, Susan Franzen, Aaron Harwig, and Nancy Weichert attended. Evaluation from attendees TBA.
- The April 6 Open House at University of St. Francis is set. Emails with parking instructions have gone out. Nancy Weichert will present on University of Illinois at Springfield’s Beta Desk planning process. The Committee discussed how to The Committee will solicit ideas via notecards from attendees for small group discussion regarding public service issues.
- Annual Project:
- Cory worked on formatting the annotated bibliography of single-service desk service and sorted the articles based on subject. The Annual Project will be due on Thursday, May 31.
- March 2018 minutes were approved.
- Meeting date change to May 21, 2018 was approved.
Task Assigned
- Aaron took minutes.
- Denise will work on web page to help document work and events for the Annual Project.
- Elizabeth will send out the Open House evaluation for Millikin.
Next Meeting
The next Public Services Committee meeting will take place Monday, May 21, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (conference call).